Home / Medicine / Scientists have figured out what spice can replace ten pharmaceutical drugs

Scientists have figured out what spice can replace ten pharmaceutical drugs

Ученые выяснили, какая специя может заменить десять аптечных лекарствThis spice really has unique properties – it is proven by scientists.

Turmeric is perhaps one of the best spices on the planet in the fight with many diseases and in their prevention. The list of its useful properties seems endless and, it seems, is all the people who control your way of life, incorporated it into their diet with proper nutrition. This put her in first place at the top of the most useful herbs and plants, leaving behind the cinnamon, garlic, ginger and milk Thistle. One of the most amazing phenomena of this spice was, in the course of the study, its ability not to concede on the usefulness of certain pharmaceutical drugs. In General, the results of many studies show that eating turmeric, can bring more benefits than a variety of drugs, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to Novosti-N.

Of course, to treat a serious illness in the final stages of turmeric nobody calls, but look what drugs she can do a replace:

— Anti-inflammatory.

— Antidepressants.

— Anticoagulants (Aspirin).

— Painkillers.

— Hypoglycemic.

— Cleansing the intestines.

— Lowers cholesterol.


We, the people, from childhood to resort to the pharmacy at the slightest indisposition, I think it’s an incredible quackery. At that time, as in many Asian countries, famous longevity and the health of their peoples, despite the difficult living conditions, these treatments are not the norm, but the use of chemical, toxic drugs makes them puzzling.

We decided to make a selection of the 10 most powerful benefits of turmeric for health, to finally verify its amazing properties.

Anticoagulants. Medicine offers the following drugs for blood thinners: aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac and others. Meanwhile, they are not very safe and can cause internal bleeding, pain in the head, and labored breathing. In contrast, turmeric, taken in reasonable doses, useful and safe. Therefore, people suffering from varicose veins or even deep vein thrombosis, it is advisable not to forget about this spice.

Antidepressants. It is scientifically proven that turmeric is able to eliminate depressive symptoms. The results of a study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research last year showed that turmeric in their properties as effective as the famous American antidepressant Prozac. But unlike him, turmeric is not addictive, but the real improvement of health. According to the authors, this was the first clinical study that has proven that turmeric can be used as an effective and safe tool in the fight against mild depression.

Anti-inflammatory. Of course, one of the basic properties of turmeric — anti-inflammatory. The journal Oncogene published the results of a study, which revealed that aspirin and ibuprofen less effective than the use of turmeric, which is one of the most powerful tools against inflammation. Not everyone knows, but inflammation can cause cancer, ulcers, arthritis, high cholesterol and chronic pain. That’s why as prevention of these diseases, you need to use turmeric

Autoimmune. Since turmeric is well-known analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, was conducted another study, which was attended by 45 people suffering from arthritis, which was to compare the effect of the use of drugs and turmeric. The participants were divided into three groups, the first of which used the turmeric, and the other two — drugs. Amazingly, it turned out that the first group of health indicators are significantly better than the other two, at the same time without any side effects.

The treatment of cancer. The problem today is a real tumor of our world, so this disease is devoted to various studies. So, some of them have shown that turmeric has the ability to prevent an increase in tumors, especially when we are talking about cancer of the breast, colon, stomach and skin. In 2007, the us study found that turmeric, as a Supplement to chemotherapy, better fighting cancer cells than chemotherapy.

The treatment of diabetes. In order to lower the blood sugar and remove from the body the insulin, add to your diet turmeric. In 2009, the journal Biochemistry and Biophysical Research Communications published the results of studies that prove that consumption of turmeric can cure from diabetes develop resistance to insulin and hyperglycemia.

Treatment of the stomach. Often, people with gastro-intestinal disorders have a negative attitude to drugs, which adversely affect the already sensitive gut flora. Medical studies show that consumption of turmeric helps to normalize the stomach and intestines, increase the amount of beneficial bacteria and the ability to completely abandon the medication.

Reduction of cholesterol levels. One of the most common causes of heart disease is high cholesterol. Very often medicines designed to rid of the disease only aggravate it, having an adverse effect on the kidneys and liver, as well as causing various inflammations. Fortunately, doctors often remain faithful to the Hippocratic oath and prescribe as a treatment not expensive drugs, and turmeric and fish oil, which surprisingly help in the fight against the disease.

Painkillers. Analgesic effect of turmeric is widely known among the scientific community. Just this year the journal European Journal of Pharmacology posted the results of a study which revealed the ability of turmeric to activation of the opioid systems of the body, that is, the ability to use the body’s natural ability to pain management. The study also proves that turmeric copes with the pain from the burns.

Steroids. In 1999, during clinical studies it was found that turmeric has the ability to cure chronic inflammation of the eye. Pharmaceutically, the condition is usually treated with steroids, but today is common practice in medicine, was in such cases to prescribe turmeric. Its use is absolutely not exaggerated, as it is proved that in comparison with the steroids, she does a lot more good. Here are just some of the side effects that can cause the steroids: acne, asthma, cancer, cataracts, diabetes, glaucoma, high blood pressure, indigestion, insomnia, muscle weakness, nausea, infection and so forth. With such an impressive list the desire to use turmeric seems more logical than steroids.

Turmeric is a typical Indian spice, in the best traditions of this country serves as a cure-all. If you find that hard to believe, there are many scientific studies that recognize its medical properties. Don’t forget to use it for food, to stay healthy, but don’t get carried away, so as not to cause allergies.

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