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Five ways to prevent colon cancer

Пять способов профилактики рака кишечникаHow to reduce the risk of colon cancer: five tips.

Bowel cancer is currently one of the most feared killers. But still, there are ways with which you can greatly reduce the risk of this disease. It should be understood that this is a curable cancer – it is important to detect at an early stage.

In this article you will learn about how to reduce the risk of developing this disease. There are five tips to reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer.

KNOW the SYMPTOMS – it is important to know how disease manifests itself in the early stages and can even sluggish leaking for many years before spreading to other parts of the body. If you notice blood in the stool – you know, this is one of the first signs of disease and should go to the doctors. Also about bowel cancer in the early stages can speak frequent diarrhea, constipation, bloating, seizures or constant fatigue.

UNITEO, ILLNESSES of FAMILY MEMBERS – knowing how sick your immediate family can eliminate the fact that you inherited will not go to a dacha near Kiev, and bowel cancer which has genetic predisposition. In the case, when someone of your relatives had bowel cancer, especially if he was younger than 50 years, you should systematically consult with physicians.

CONDUCT REGULAR INSPECTION is as described above. The regularity of medical examinations ain’t never hurt nobody. But saved hundreds, if not thousands of lives. If you have a total deficit of time, at least buy a test kit at the drugstore that will detect polyps or cancer early. And this is a guarantee that the treatment will be much easier.

REDUCE CHOLESTEROL – it is important to know that statins – drugs that lower cholesterol, are commonly used by patients with cardiovascular disease are also drugs that reduce the risk of developing colon cancer by 82%.

EAT MORE FIBER – studies have found that eating daily even at 10g of fibre more, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer. For this one should consume more of grain crops.

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