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Doctors debunked myths about colon cancer

Врачи развенчали мифы о раке толстой кишкиColon cancer is called one of the worst types of cancer.

The risk of colon cancer depends on what stage of development it was discovered. In fact, so cancer of the colon and is called the most terrible, because the symptoms did not occur in the early stages and people may simply not know that it is seriously ill.

Doctors say the most common sign of colon cancer is abdominal pain, a feeling of heaviness, constipation or diarrhea, alternating between them, as well as blood clots in the stool. People simply may not pay attention to these symptoms and believe that their body is all right, but this time the tumor in the colon will continue its development and will move from stage to stage. According to the statistics of physicians, most patients with colon cancer asked for help to the hospital are already at stage 4 of the disease when complete cure is almost impossible.

The most common myths about colon cancer:

1. Disease overtakes only the elderly. In fact it is not so. More precisely, radically different health data with universal far-fetched opinions. Colon cancer can develop in young and middle-aged people, and seniors. It all depends on what kind of lifestyle leads people like eats and what his heredity.

2. Colon cancer has specific symptoms. This myth is not grounded in facts. People are confident that if they have no complaints on the health, no diseases, can’t speak, and about the cancer and even more so. Doctors say that’s the worst error that does not allow sick time to be examined and fully recover from cancer.

3. Better to go under the knife than to do a colonoscopy. Most people think it’s more than that, they believe that this procedure is painful and useless. Of course, colonoscopy is unpleasant, but it allows to detect any irregularities in the bowel and possible tumors that independently neither the man himself nor his doctor will be able to find.

Oncologists strongly recommend that all people at least 1 time every 3-5 years undergo a colonoscopy in order to detect colon cancer at an early stage. And if a person has problems with digestion, and chair of metabolism, as well as in the family someone was ill with cancer, he should be examined at least once a year.

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