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Five foods for normalizing blood sugar levels

Пять продуктов для нормализации уровня сахара в кровиThere are plenty of ‘ tasty prevention, increase in blood sugar levels.

Doctors say that the blood sugar levels depends not only on physical activity and hereditary factors of a particular person. This figure does not in the least affected by the diet. Everyone knows to feel good, it should constantly monitor the blood sugar levels and disrupting decreased, to take measures for the normalization of this index.

Experts identify a group of products (rather cute from a gastronomic point of view) that should be used for prevention raise the level of sugar in the blood:

– it’s incredibly rich in amino acids, calcium, magnesium and potassium – all these elements contribute to reduce the pressure. In addition, spinach contains enough fiber is a wonderful element for lowering the level of blood sugar.

Avocado is a storehouse of monounsaturated fats, which are essential for the normal functioning of the heart. This overseas fruit rich in fiber, amino acids, b vitamins, minerals such as magnesium and potassium. They’re a wonderful alternative to mayonnaise, and cheese (especially for people who suffer from diabetes).

Fish – been proven through research that fish reduces the risk of diabetes. To prepare it exclusively for a couple or bake in the oven (in any case not fry).

Almonds – this nut contains much more protein and fiber than any other types of nuts. This kind of record for the content of potassium and magnesium, which effectively lower blood pressure and reduce blood sugar levels.

Strawberry – that first spring and summer fruit can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and helps to reduce the risk of diabetes due to the contained antioxidants. Moreover, strawberry contains a lot of fiber that will help you effectively deal with the increase in sugar.

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