Home / Incredible / Earthquake on Mars can mean the presence of life

Earthquake on Mars can mean the presence of life

Землетрясения на Марсе могут означать о наличие жизниReleased during earthquakes hydrogen can become the energy source for primitive organisms.

A group of Scottish scientists said that a small earthquake on Mars may indicate the presence of red planet life. According to experts, hydrogen, which is released during seismic activity, could become a source of life to primitive forms.

This conclusion the researchers made during the study mountain faults in the Outer Hebrides – archipelago in the Atlantic ocean near the coast of Scotland.

They proved that the faults allocated a sufficient amount of hydrogen to maintain life.

In addition, the scientists investigated the liquid, which appears at the Ground close to tectonic faults with recorded seismic activity. Analysis of its chemical composition revealed molecules that can be equally relevant to both Earth and Mars.

This means that on the red planet, potentially, there could be microorganisms. However, this statement needs experimental testing.

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