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Doctors: womens workout depends on the level of hormones

Медики: женские тренировки зависят от уровня гормонов

Hormones affect energy levels, physical condition, strength and stamina. Therefore, women should adjust their playing sports under the menstrual cycle.

So, during menstruation, levels of estrogen and progesterone are extremely low. And body easier to get to glycogen, an energy source than to rely on the slower oxidation of fatty acids.

This translates into the fact that you can train very intensely, fatigue and burning sensation in the muscles. However if menstruation associated with ailment, it is best to limit light cardio and yoga. It is also important to drink plenty of water (for heavy bleeding, the body loses a lot of liquid).

After menstruation a woman experiences the increase in strength due to the increase in the concentration of progesterone and estrogen. This period can be used to build muscle. Fatigue retreats, intense strength and interval training comes in handy.

A few days before and during ovulation, the estrogen level is the highest. Woman needs more sleep, increasing the risk of injury from fatigue. Therefore, at this time, need rest, good food. As for loads, it is best to choose running long distance (that is, without diversity and load changes).

Before menstruation the body shows a jump in the level of progesterone. Get cramps, the breast becomes sensitive, the woman swells. Motivation to train disappears. This occurs within 5-7 days before menstruation.

Progesterone has a catabolic properties, and the intensive training it will lead to loss of water. So, we need to drink more. Moreover, at this time the woman is harder to recover, reports daily MED.

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