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It turned out that men lose weight easier than women

Оказалось, что мужчинам похудеть проще, чем женщинамExperts have called the reasons why women are more difficult to lose weight.

When it comes to losing weight, women have much harder than men. Due to their physiology they just sharpened by the storage of energy and is designed for pregnancy and breastfeeding..

In women, low testosterone levels, low insulin sensitivity, fewer mitochondria in muscle fibers than men. And generally, muscle mass is much less, as a consequence of a lower metabolism.

The main reason – the female physiology

Is very important menstrual cycle that you need to consider to build the right training and diet.

Nature dictates its own terms, and to fight it is pointless, and not necessary. It is only necessary to consider some features and adapt to them.

Let’s see in detail some of the features of female physiology. And the first thing you should pay attention to is the menstrual cycle. Here the primary role is played by the change of a hormonal background: the rapid increase in the level of estradiol in the last days of menstruation, its consistently high level before ovulation and the almost complete lack of production of progesterone – follicular phase. After ovulation – the subsequent decline in the level of estradiol and increase progesterone levels c further decrease before menstruation – luteolina phase of the cycle. Well, the beginning of a new cycle, the beginning of menstruation.

It is these alternating surges of estradiol and progesterone alter the physiology and psychology of women

Estradiol and progesterone

Let’s look at the functions of these individual hormones.

Estradiol is one of 3 types of estrogen, the female steroid sex hormones. He is the main and most active of them. Estradiol increases the elasticity of the bones, increases the activity of the thyroid gland. Thereby increasing overall energy, decreases the amount of adipose tissue, decreases the blood concentration of cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL – “bad” cholesterol), increases blood supply of the brain. As well as increased myocardial protection from various types of ischemic factors. And this is only a small part of the functions of estradiol.

Estradiol for women is as testosterone for men

As for the progesterone, that it is not all so bright and colorful. Progesterone, on the contrary, increases the amount of adipose tissue by increasing sensitivity to insulin while decreasing the insulin sensitivity of other tissues (muscle). Increases protein breakdown (muscles) and increases the content of glucose in the blood, raising all this food motivation. In addition, it relaxes the ligaments and reduces General muscle tone.

Women’s emotions

In addition to physiology changes and affected the psyche of the women. The period witnessed the highest number of breakdowns, especially during PMS, due to a sharp fall in the secretion of progesterone before menstruation. Emotional disorders are very frequent (about 80% of cases) contribute to breakdowns. And oddly enough, the diet can lead to increased PMS symptoms, in particular because of the psychological effects. Therefore, to adhere to the strict limitations diet during PMS is not recommended. It is better to make a small break in diet that then with new forces to continue the fight against overweight.

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