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Discovered a new virus that attacks the Android-gadgets

Обнаружен новый вирус, поражающий Android-гаджетыThe virus is used to display unsolicited advertising.

Experts of the company Check Point working in the field of IT security, has published a report about Chinese malware HummingBad.

According to experts, the malware has already taken over 10 million Android gadgets.

It is reported that currently triggers on devices that display unsolicited advertising, due to what developers earn in a month $300 thousand.

According to the authors of the study, HummingBad is the product of Chinese ad Agency Yingmob, which has a hacker unit of about 25 people. According to analysts, the company also operates in the legal areas of business, as the owner of several advertising platforms.

But, at least in one of the directions of the company work cyber criminals. They are, in the opinion of specialists, and attack the device user by means of malware, and then get root access to device, install application and deliver unwanted ads.

The vast majority of victims of hackers – the people of India and China. However, it is also “captured” by the virus to 117 thousand mobile devices, Ukrainians, and 208 thousand Russians.

Currently, experts fear that the ad may be followed by at least innocuous operation, as for example hacking of Bank accounts.

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