Home / Medicine / Daily consumption of this fruit will slow down the aging process

Daily consumption of this fruit will slow down the aging process

Ежедневное употребление этого фрукта замедлит процесс старения Such a magical effect of apples.

The results of recent studies are as follows: consumption of apples every day can rejuvenate the body and slow the aging process. For women especially useful vitamins and other elements that are contained in these fruits.

Experts say that with constant use of Apple skin begins to liberate themselves from the action of free radicals.
Substances contained in fruits slows down the oxidation processes in the human body. This result is achieved due to the higher content in apples are flavonoids and polyphenols, and they, in turn, slow the aging process and improve the cardiovascular system.

Moreover, the results of the study showed that apples can make a woman under the age of seventeen years.

This applies not only to the skin but also other body systems. But other researchers at one of the universities of new York (USA) found that drinking just one fresh Apple every day helps to reduce the risk of cancer.

However, remember that apples have a positive effect on the human body. Every day should be eating at least five servings of different fruits and vegetables to keep your body healthy.

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