Home / Incredible / Cyprus found full of treasures tomb

Cyprus found full of treasures tomb

На Кипре нашли полную сокровищ усыпальницуBurial is the richest of those that were previously found on the island.

Swedish archaeologists during the excavations in Cyprus found a family plot Dating from 1500-1400 BC

In the tomb, among the remains was found a large number of treasures and pottery.

The tomb is located near areas where there were settlements of the bronze age in the Eastern part of Cyprus. This burial is the richest of those that were previously found on the island. Archaeologists have discovered a lot of jewelry made of gold and precious stones, all kinds of earrings, amulets, beads, and a bronze dagger. In addition, the tomb was attended by 140 of the ceramic elements of the dish.

Of human remains, scientists were able to detect eight children under the age of 10 years and nine adults, the oldest of whom was about 40 years old. After the analysis, the scientists found that the jewelry was imported from Egypt and Mesopotamia, the jewelry piece was made in Cyprus. Ceramics were mostly Greek.

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