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Created a flexible display that can be cut into pieces

Создан гибкий дисплей, который можно резать на частиThe technology requires only a few seconds to adapt to a new form and distribution of power.

Japan Institute of materials science have developed a flexible, ogranic-metallic hybrid polymer display, which can be cut in half, without being afraid to break it. The technology requires only a few seconds to adapt to a new form and distribution of power. However, even in the place of the cut will save the last information that was displayed on it.

The current prototype of such a flexible display can reproduce only one color and has a limit of usable area. But even as such, the technology may find its application in various fields. For example, you can create your own garment with integrated flexible displays or to create a smart wearable electronics, which will acquire the exact shape of your wrist.

Создан гибкий дисплей, который можно резать на части

Scientists also imagine a world in which you will be able to change the color of car interiors with a simple movement of the finger or change the color of the lens of your glasses, Windows and other glass surfaces. Of course, before these technological breakthroughs will have to wait another few years, but at least the existence of such opportunities in the future is worth a lot.

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