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Chewing gum: harm or benefit

Жевательная резинка: вред или пользаHard to find in the modern civilized world of man, not familiar Weutalloy gum.

Chewing gum is a very popular product among adults as among children.

Because only 1-2 “pads” of bubble gum will freshen the breath after a hearty meal, and children just like even the process of chewing.

At the same time, the opinions of physicians regarding the use of chewing gum apart.

What are the benefits and harms of chewing gum?

Perhaps just start with the disadvantages of this product, which just lie in its components. Chewing gum is composed of ingredients that are usually synthetic substances, not natural.

However, the basis of chewing gum is latex, which must be of natural origin. In General, latex is considered a harmless substance, but the deep research on this matter is still not performed.

The taste of the gum is due to not natural fruits and flavorings, which are often produced by chemical means. In addition, the composition of the chewing gum include dyes, titanium white, and sweeteners. All these substances impair the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and can cause dizziness and nausea.

What are the benefits of chewing gum

If you regularly “chew”, from this process there are benefits, namely:

Fresh breath. The gum gives you fresh breath, but no more. Talk about the fact that gum supposedly purifies the oral cavity and the teeth, are misleading. Stuck in my teeth food particles and plaque using gum cannot be removed. Here, nothing beats the toothbrush and toothpaste.

Chewing strengthens the gums. It’s true, but only for optimal results, chew evenly with both sides. If you chew only on one side, there is a danger of the appearance of facial asymmetry.

Supports acid-alkaline balance. On this score the experts have doubts. In the chewing gum composition includes sorbitol instead of sugar), but despite this, to have a strong influence on the acid-alkaline balance gum can not. Rather, we can say that the lack of sugar in the gum does not change the acid-alkaline balance.

What is the harm of chewing gum

It’s time to talk about troubles that will bring you gum:

Disrupted the normal production of saliva. Noticed that if you frequently chew gum, that breaks down the process of salivation. In particular, it provided an additional amount of saliva that is not good.

If you chew on an empty stomach. In this case, it will stand out gastric juice, irritating the wall of the digestive tract. This is a direct road to gastritis.

The deterioration of blood circulation in the gums. If you frequently chew gum, it may result in poor blood circulation in the gums, which can lead to inflammation and even periodontitis!
The sense of attention and thought processes. It is noted, that chewing gum impairs human thought.

As you know, this article is not calling you completely give up gum or chew it relentlessly. The most important thing – to observe a measure. If you eaten much, and ahead of a business meeting or a romantic date, then gum to help you.

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