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Twilight over the Kuzbass

160 years have passed since the start of coal production on the territory of our city, produced millions of tons of coal. Kiselevsk was formed from three villages in 1936. In Soviet times our city was flourishing: to build new homes, hospitals, open new mines and factories, more jobs. The …

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The first exit on perch

After the formation of ice fish biting begins immediately, because the underwater inhabitants, and fish, and food, requires certain time to adapt to a changed environment. In the early days of “glaciation” all life under water is in a state of shock, caused by thermal effect and a sharp decrease …

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Nutritionists: to lose weight, you need to eat in silence

To lose weight, you need to eat in complete silence. People need to hear the way he chews. This sound helps track eating, said U.S. researchers. They conducted an experiment with participation of volunteers. During the experience, the researchers compared how ate people listening to loud music, and those who …

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Swiss companies intend to develop business in Russia

Financial and economic operators of Switzerland are confident that all current problems in Russia is temporary. This was stated by the Ambassador of Switzerland in Russia Pierre Helg, speaking at the Russian economic and financial forum. “Swiss companies intend to develop their business in Russia, – quotes the Pierre Helga, …

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The EBRD will continue investing in Ukraine during reforms

The European Bank for reconstruction and development (EBRD) intends to continue investing in Ukraine, while the country will carry out reforms, said the President of the Bank Suma Chakrabarti. “Over the last two years Ukraine was our second largest market at € 1.2 billion in 2014 and EUR 1.1 billion …

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With the cross, paddle and a fishing rod

  Father Konstantin and his team have been walking on Harbey (Subpolar Urals) and on the Crow river (Kola Peninsula). There is still a lot of plans… A river called Zhizdra in the most upstream parts of the eponymous town into two parts. This river is small, then, under Kozelsk, …

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What we did in Syria

In principle, the question of what we were doing in Syria that can be answered very simply – fought. And rightly so. But for what did we fight? What was the purpose of this war? Wars do not happen without goals. War is not toys that are played just for …

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