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Customers of the three banks whose licenses will get to 2.7 billion

Today the Central Bank revoked the licenses of 1Банка, National corporate Bank and Bank “St. Catherine”. The volume of deposits and funds on accounts of individual entrepreneurs (IE) in the National corporate Bank and the Bank 1Банке, “Catherine”, which today the Central Bank revoked the license on March 1, 2016 …

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Six attacked tourists in côte d’ivoire eliminated

Power structures côte d’ivoire eliminated six terrorists opened fire on tourists on the beach in Grand Basam. About it reports on Sunday evening, 13 March, Reuters with reference to the head of the Ministry of internal Affairs of this African country Hamed Bakayoko. The militants, according to the Minister, attacked …

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Business English – from sunup until it stops

Nicholas Yurenev Imagine a village where there is no soap. Did not deliver. Do you have an entrepreneurial streak – you take a familiar ride on a Gazelle in the city, buy the soap in bulk, bring your own and sell it three times more expensive as the demand is …

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Profit VTB jumped by 112 percent

Net profit of VTB Bank by the end of 2015 amounted to 1.7 billion rubles, which is 112,5 percent more than in 2014. the Relevant information contains in the message of the financial organization. “Despite the challenging operating environment, the group achieved a net profit of 12.6 billion rubles and …

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Damn the car got in an accident 55 times

The achievement of young Vladimir Borschyov fit to bring in some sort of evil book of records. In 2008 he bought a nondescript Peugeot 206. Since this car is 55 times got to different alterations. It robbed, wounded in motion and at rest, cling to cars, vans and trucks. Sometimes …

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5 ways to use competitors, to the benefit of your site

Whether competition for the benefit of the web resource? To this question, if you do not think many webmasters will give a negative answer. Say, what’s the use a headache because of the need to constantly increase the budget for the development and search engine optimization of the site. But …

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