Net profit of VTB Bank by the end of 2015 amounted to 1.7 billion rubles, which is 112,5 percent more than in 2014. the Relevant information contains in the message of the financial organization.
“Despite the challenging operating environment, the group achieved a net profit of 12.6 billion rubles and 1.7 billion rubles for the fourth quarter and 2015 respectively, which was possible due to the high profitability of the corporate and investment banking business and retail business”, — explained in VTB.
In 2015, the Bank sent in the reserves 178,1 billion. The index fell by 35.3 per cent compared with 2014. By 31 December last year, the assets of VTB Bank amounted to 13.6 trillion rubles. The volume of credits issued to legal entities reached 8.2 trillion rubles, individuals — almost two trillion rubles.
In December 2015, the head of VTB Andrey Kostin said that the Russian economy and banking sector survives and will grow, despite the sanctions. According to him, the initial shock wave of the decline in oil prices has passed and now banks, companies and citizens learn to live in a new reality. He noted that in addition to Russia’s exports of oil and other commodities.