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The besieged States of America and its agony

In the header there is no error. I agree on the background information of the current prevailing hysteria about anti-Russian sanctions, he looks at least provocative. After all, it is Russia under siege, not the United States. This is our economy Obama has already torn to shreds, but that’s still …

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Cheese addiction

Do you like cheese? Scientists believe that some foods, including cheese, are addictive, similar to drug addiction. No wonder some people say they can live without cheese can’t. The researchers came to the conclusion that the dependence are also products with a high content of cheese and passed technological processing. …

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The United States is confused by the enemies and henchmen

Terrorist attack in Brussels has shown a strong vulnerability of Europe and the weakness of its law enforcement agencies.Suicide blast in Pakistan’s Lahore less resonant, but more symbolic event in the ongoing global war against extremists. According to official data from Islamabad, an explosion sounded in the Parking lot, near …

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Admiral Harris recalls that of the “four Initiative”

One of the landmark events of direct relevance to the difficult situation prevailing in South-East Asia (sea) region and the Indian ocean (RIO), was the statement at the beginning of March the head of the largest in the armed forces of the U.S. Pacific command (USPACOM) Admiral Harry Harris. Notable …

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WIR: the Swiss alternative to money global loan sharks

In the centre of Europe for more than eight decades, the project that pose a potential threat to the government of the world’s usurers. It implements one Swiss Bank, headquartered in Zurich, an hour away by car from the office of another Bank – the Bank for international settlements (Basel), …

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Scientists: cheese can be addictive

The authors of a new study claim that the cheese is quite capable of causing addiction, comparable to drug. According MedikForum, the experts decided to find out what foods cause the most highly addictive modern humans.   “Scientists have found that foods with lots of cheese are the real drug …

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