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Black day black gold

Saudi Arabia is seriously thinking about changing the economy Saudi Prince Muhammad bin Salman spoke in the spirit of Alexei Kudrin when he was Finance Minister in 2003, proposing to establish in the Kingdom of the stabilization Fund. According to the Royal family, comes the “twilight of the oil century”, …

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New “Eagles” will open their wings over Syria

Active use of the latest domestic drones during the operation of the Russian HQs in the middle East has become serious surprise for the whole world. To the surprise of the West, the Russians were a whole range of unmanned aerial vehicles, and even its own design. “Eagles” and “Ailerons”, …

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How do animals help heal their masters in a canadian hospital

XENIA The programme Zachary”s Paws for Healing hospital Juravinski in Ontario allowed to visit seriously ill pet owners. The program launched Donna Jenkins, inspired by the example of his 25-year-old nephew Zachary, who has benefited from the presence of his faithful dog, when he fought Hodgkin’s lymphoma. When Zachary began …

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Spring trails

  Marcovicci Usually leverets are born in late April — early may, when every blade of grass, every leaf greedily reach for the sky. But it does happen in life and long-eared exception. …The woods were still a lot of snow. Birches, oaks, maples — all asleep. But the dream …

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Dirty business rubbish

Timely removal of solid waste is one of the most “sick” issues in the housing sector of the country. Failures in this process, always cause a lot of disturbances lawful residents. Who is good to live in the mud and the rubbish smell? The trash business is known for its …

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Whose cones in the forest

The FFA has published a rather interesting letter. In a letter dated February 25, 2016 No. EC-07-54/1985 he explained to the forest authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies that the assignment located on the lands of forest Fund of windfall wood and wind-fallen trees should …

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American lawyers are preparing Maidan in Russia

  The stronger Russia and a gradual recovery of its natural sovereign of the world situation, the collective West in General and United States in particular are increasing efforts to discredit the leadership of the country, as well as invest considerable resources, including financial and in the promotion of their …

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A few comments about Panama dossier

“All the secret always becomes clear.” (C)* A few comments about the Panama file. 1. We must not deceive ourselves, this is not about us. It’s all about. And as much as dear “conspiracy theorists” is not sounded the alarm that this is “conspiracy-conspiracy-conspiracy”, this is not so. The dossier …

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