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The police took the Muscovite two machine guns and 20 pistols

Employees of the interior Ministry and the FSB found and seized from a resident of Moscow three dozen firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition 15. This is stated in the message of Ministry of internal Affairs, received on Tuesday, may 10, in edition”.ru”. During the RAID, which involved officers …

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Small arms of the USSR and the Reich: whose side superiority

  On the topic of the great Patriotic war there are many myths aimed against Russia, “corpses piled” up to “two million raped German women”. One of them is the superiority of German weapons over the Soviet. It is important that this myth applies including and without anti-Soviet (anti-Russian) motivation, …

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Smokers will intimidate packs khaki

Russian lawmakers are concerned that the number of smokers in Russia has ceased to decline. A few years ago, the percentage of smokers in the adult population was 39%. After the entry into force of anti-Smoking legislation, this figure dropped to 33%, but then the process stopped, have informed “news” …

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Near Odessa city hall found seven Molotov cocktails

In Odessa near the building of the city hall law enforcement officers while on patrol found seven Molotov cocktails. On Monday, may 9, UNIAN reports with reference to the General Directorate of National police in the Odessa region. Bottle with an explosive substance were found on the evening of 8 …

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Russia forwards to Syria heavy equipment

Russian ship KIL-158″ – bound with a cargo to Syria, passed Sunday through the Straits, reports the website of the Turkish newspaper “Hurriyet”. The edition published on the website of the video where you can see the ship, the next past of Istanbul. The newspaper notes that on the deck …

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Named the worst for gays in the country

Azerbaijan took the last, 49-th place in the ranking of countries fit for citizens based on sexual orientation. A study prepared by the European branch of the International Association of lesbian and gay ILGA and published on Tuesday, may 10, at the organization’s website. The authors of the report found …

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The state Duma refused to ban their relatives to do business

The state Duma rejected in the first reading a bill that restricts the ability to do business for the relatives of parliamentarians. On Tuesday, may 10, reported to the Tape.<url>” the author of the bill, the Chairman of the Duma Committee on constitutional legislation and state construction Vadim Soloviev (CPRF). …

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