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Spring course carp

In addition to catching carp living in ponds and lakes, our anglers are already not the first year hunting for carp, which comes in the tributaries of the Volga. We can assume that the descendants of Amur carp, which in the sixties was aklimatizirovalis in the European part of Russia, …

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US Navy: aircraft carriers without aircraft

According to the Associated Press, in Tennessee crashed fighter-bomber F/A-18, pilot Jeff Kuss died. This is not the first incident with this type of plane in a short time. 26 may off the coast of North Carolina clashed in the sky, two F/A-18E “Super hornet”. In America around this carrier-based …

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The visibility of food

Soon the nation’s capital as part of a major farm festival will decorate with fake food products. Unlikely according to the organizers, but there is a special irony, as with the actual food business in the country unimportant things: prices are rising, quality is falling. But props in all areas …

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Document of the day: railguns and lasers

“Ribbon.<url>” publishes excerpts from the report “Marine lasers, railguns and hypersonic missiles: status and challenges”, published by the Research service of the U.S. Congress on may 25, 2016. The material covers the main purpose of creating weapons based on new physical principles for the Navy and problems along the way. …

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To think big!

Guy consolmagno, chief astronomer of the Vatican says on the subject of balance between the Church and the cosmos. This graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of technology talks about how he began to study the stars for the Catholic Church. Brother guy consolmagno (Guy Consolmagno) is the Director of the …

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Atheism is as old as religion

Faith and unbelief go hand in hand since the days of ancient civilizations, the study argues the British historian. Contrary to popular opinion that atheism is a product of modern civilization, purely secular views of the world spread at the dawn of ancient civilizations. “The current rhetoric positions atheism as …

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