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Burial of the period before our era discovered in Tajikistan

Захоронения периода до нашей эры обнаружены в ТаджикистанеWhat is in the graves, the researchers said.

Burial period BC discovered in the fortress Yamchun.

We are talking about Royal houses, an ancient historical monument, where scientists have found a room 10×10 meters.

Archaeologists representing the RT Academy of Sciences and the history Department of the Tajik national University, made a few finds during excavations in the fortress Yamchun. It is located on the territory of Ishkashim district, GBAO, and here scientists have discovered a large hall with burials of the period before our era. They were in the lower part of the fortress.

What is in the graves, the researchers said. It is also reported that during the excavations were found the sewer system of the fortress, related to the XVI century. It consists of ceramic tubes. At this time, research is ongoing.

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