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Best foods for healthy liver

Лучшие продукты для здоровой печениA healthy liver is essential to good appearance and good health. And to improve the condition of such a body will help regular foods.

Introduction the daily ration of only seven simple ingredients can improve the condition of the liver.

Clean water. Any body for normal functioning need normal water. Day should drink 1.5-2 liters. Juices, coffee and tea do not count.

Buckwheat. Efficiently cleanses the body and restores essential minerals.

Med. Cleanse the liver by using both simple and delicious product – honey. Experts recommend every morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of warm water mixed with spoon of honey.

Apples. These fruits effectively fight parasites, skin problems and liver.

Beet. This vegetable is effective in various liver diseases. It cleans it from toxins. Beet is useful in a variety of ways: boiled, baked or raw.

Fresh juices and green tea. Well cleanse the liver and fresh juices and green tea. They fill it with oxygen and necessary vitamins.

Whole grain pastries. Whole grain products are not only tasty but also very useful. In particular, and to the liver.

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