Home / Incredible / Bee is recognized as an endangered species in the U.S.

Bee is recognized as an endangered species in the U.S.

Пчелы признаны вымирающим видом на территории СШАAn insect population in a few years fell to a catastrophic level.

Most species of bees entered in the register of endangered species in the United States. This was reported by Western news agencies with reference to the University of nature protection in Washington.

It is believed that most of the bees lives in the Hawaiian Islands. In addition. The region is home to a naked bees, which is considered the rarest insect on the planet. According to experts, they have no more than 10 thousand around the world.

Hawaiian prosopite also considered a reason for the extinction of locusts. The last time the insects are noticed on the territory of the archipelago in the past century. Scientists say that for the environment bare bees were very important, and you should pay attention to the reduction of their population.

The list of species that disappear in the U.S., included nine species of bees. Noted that insects are important for ecology and agriculture, as they participate in the pollination of local plants. Also experts believe that the extinction of bees affected by gradual climate change on the mainland.

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