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Bath for weight loss: how to lose weight and improve your health

Баня для похудения: как правильно похудеть и оздоровитьсяBath is a great way to lose weight.

The effectiveness of bath treatments for healing and strengthening the entire body is well known.

The heat bath in the complex with a grassy aroma creates all the conditions to cleanse the skin, enhance its vitality, improve metabolism, vigor.

In “the steam room” processes from all systems and organs aktiviziruyutsya that helps burn fat. This is the property of bath treatments used for weight loss.

Methods for weight loss in the bath is as follows.

Use short but frequent procedures 7-8 minutes in the steam room, then wrapped in a warm Bathrobe or towel, resting sweat in the dressing room. At the same time abandon drinking.

Rested and propotev again steam. This short series of “Hiking” dressing room – steam room allows you to “round up” the extra pounds.

The diet should consist of the majority of its from fruit and vegetable dishes. And then you can confidently claim that regular bathing together with a balanced diet will help to lose weight those who want it.

Coming out of the bath felt myself to be reborn and dropped the “bag fatigue and excess weight”.

Be careful if you have disorders of the cardiovascular system or other diseases. In this case, before any heat treatments should consult a doctor.

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