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Useful tips: how to get the metabolism in the bath and sauna

Полезные советы: как наладить обмен веществ в бане и саунеBath and sauna, if you approach the mind, can be an excellent tool for the prevention of metabolic disorders.

Has long been known that steam in the bath or sauna have excellent healing properties and tempering. With steam it is possible to prevent many diseases, to establish a process of metabolism. The heat of the sauna enhances, stimulates and tones up the activity of the whole organism, increases the tone of the nervous and muscular systems. He also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system, improves overall health, cleanses the lungs.

Besides healing the fever has a positive effect on the Central and peripheral nervous system, which positively affects the General mental state of the person. It is believed that enough 2-3 calls in a steam bath for a duration of 8-10 minutes. When you first enter the skin reddens and sweat stands out – so the body is well warmed. In subsequent visits good use of the broom – this is a special massage.

Between calls in a steam bath is good to take a cool or cold shower, dip in the pool, and to recover the loss of water and minerals – is good to drink herbal tea, juices, kvass. All bath procedure should not take more than two hours.

At the end of bath treatments well to take a contrast shower – alternation of water of different temperatures – excellent “exercise” for blood vessels that alternately dilate and constrict.

Weight loss during bath procedures is mainly due to the loss of moisture and a bit at the expense of energy consumption. This process is influenced by such factors as:
– temperature and humidity;
– stay in the steam room;
– state of health;
– individual characteristics of the organism;
– fitness of the thermoregulatory apparatus.

The loss of body weight when you visit a regulated by taking different amounts of fluid, changes in methods of procedure. In folk medicine, there are many ways to reduce this steam bath. Thus, it is proposed 3 tbsp honey salt small salt and stir everything. Even before the bath is dry RUB the body with this mixture as vaseline. And then you get to warm the shelves and warmed up. When it starts sweating. And coming out of steam, should wrap himself in a linen sheet, rest, wash.

Also for weight loss you can first take a warm shower and make a hot foot bath (5-7 minutes). In steam you can go 3-4 times in 5 minutes (temperature on the top shelf up to 100 °C). Steam need on the middle shelf, lying down, with feet slightly elevated. The interval between visits should be at least 10 minutes. Second time to go to the steam room you need to have with a broom for a massage, then relax wrapped in a sheet.

It is better not to eat anything in the bath. Well before sweatshops procedures to do massage the back muscles and legs, as well as areas of greatest deposits of fat.

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