Home / Medicine / Soda baths will help in the “battle” against overweight

Soda baths will help in the “battle” against overweight

Содовые ванны помогут в «сражении» с лишними килограммами The most effective ways of preparing soda baths.

Baking powder – an indispensable helper in the kitchen, she has a lot of useful properties. This substance is non-toxic, so no worries it is used to clean furniture, Housewares and even toys. The scope of this substance is huge.

Soda, for example, may be useful to those who want to lose a few extra pounds without resorting to unhealthy diets. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in this case can be used strictly for baths, to take the substance inside is contraindicated.

There are many ways of cooking soda bath for weight loss. Consider the most effective.

Classic way of cooking soda bath
One of the course soda baths is 10 procedures carried out every day. The time spent in a tub – at least 20 but not more than 30 minutes. The effect is strengthened if before bathing, to take a walk. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening before bedtime.

To prepare tools to help you lose weight, you need to gain a full bath of water, then add to it 200 g of soda. The water temperature should be 36-38 degrees and to differ from the temperature of the human body slightly. During the procedure should be to maintain the water temperature at the same level and, if necessary, opening the valve and pouring in a tub of hot water. After time spent in the bath should be wiped dry body with a towel, wash off the soda and pour a shower however.

For greater efficiency it is recommended to take soda bath, in a sitting position. Because soda is a natural cleanser, you can use it as a scrub is gently applied to the face, massage it, then wash. Rubbing sodium bicarbonate thighs – areas where most cellulite is formed, will eliminate the visible manifestations of this unpleasant disease, to get rid of cellulite, smooth the skin and increase its elasticity.

We have just described the classic method of making soda baths are mainly for weight loss. There are also other ways of bathing from soda that allow you to lose extra pounds, also tighten the skin and effectively eliminate cellulite.

For skin more useful soda bath, which is prepared in exactly the same way as described above, with water added a few drops of essential oil, which you can choose depending on their preferences. Most often in a bath with baking soda add essential oils of rosemary, eucalyptus, tangerine, grapefruit, lavender, orange. If you want you can mix some essential oils and add a small amount of water before its adoption.

Soda-salt bath for weight loss
No less has efficiency of soda-salt bath for weight loss during cooking which warm water should be added 300 g of baking soda and 2-3 tablespoons of sea salt. This procedure contributes not only to the loss of extra pounds, but also has a healing and firming effect on the skin. A side effect of bath salt may be the burning of the skin. This is due to the fact that our skin has microscopic damage is invisible. Salt, when applied to these lesions, provokes inflammation of the skin, accompanied by an unpleasant burning sensation. In itself it safely and fairly quickly. In order to avoid burning you can try next time to reduce the amount added to a bath of sea salt or to opt out of its use.

If the appearance of cellulite is too noticeable, after taking a bath in baking soda it is recommended to clean the skin in problem areas with a natural scrub. You can prepare independently. To do this, take the baking soda and honey at the rate of 1:2, mix ingredients and gently RUB the mixture into the skin then wash off with cool water.

As a side effects from taking baths with sodium bicarbonate can occur:
•peeling of the skin. Soda has a drying effect. To avoid this symptom, add to the bath a few drops of any essential oil;
•tingling of the heart, increased heart rate. This symptom indicates is likely that the bath water is too hot;
•headache. Occurs when changes in blood pressure. When it occurs should abandon soda baths and to choose another way of losing weight.

What’s the secret to a soda bath?
You find a body in the hot water steams our skin, the pores open, there is increasing the secretion of sweat, which from the body out accumulated therein unnecessary substances – toxins, toxins and radionuclides, resulting in normal process of metabolism. The majority of the extra weight is a result of a breach of metabolic processes. Restore a healthy metabolism ensures weight loss.

In addition, a bath with baking soda have on the body the following effects:

•cleanse deep layers of the skin, prevent acne;
•elimination of cellulite;
•cleanse the lymphatic system;
•relaxation, calming the nervous system, relieve tension, stress;
•improvement of blood circulation, elimination of edema.

But that’s not the whole secret. When taking hot baths person sweats a lot and thus lose weight. In addition to soda, you can also make mustard, pine, tea and even chocolate baths.

Contraindications to the adoption of soda baths
Reception soda baths has its drawbacks and contraindications. For example, the effect of taking such baths will be maximum only in the case if you follow some rules of conduct in life: to normalize food intake, daily physical load (to perform basic exercises in the morning), to walk, to breathe fresh air, to give up bad habits, avoid stress. Also soda baths will help those who have weight minor.

We must distinguish in this case the concept of “overweight” and “obesity”. Obesity – the condition of the body, which affects all its systems and organs. If the reason for the weight is most often poor diet and lack of physical activity, the obesity occurs in the background of pathologies of the endocrine, digestive and other systems. Obesity soda baths will not help. Make them should not be the persons having such diseases as diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypertension. Also a contraindication to taking baths with baking soda is pregnancy, children’s age.

Before you take baths, you should visit a specialist at least in order to exclude the presence of those diseases in which such procedures are contraindicated. Such way to lose weight is resorted to mostly women. Their reviews speak that the soda used in this way, helps to lose up to 10-15 kg per one course of application (10 treatments).

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