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Autumn insomnia and ways to combat it

Осенняя бессонница и способы борьбы с нейExperts told how to cope with seasonal insomnia, to learn how to fall asleep quickly and Wake up the same way.

With the arrival of fall most people begin to suffer from the endless depression. This are the transition to winter and shortened daylight hours. Plus, the cold and changes in atmospheric pressure, characteristic for autumn, often cause a person alert and he can’t bring himself to sleep. Also, in the fall the school year begins, both for children and adolescents and for their parents. Everything else piled household chores, problems at work, fatigue and the knowledge that next summer will come only after 9 months and the holiday seems so far away.

Usually, a person begins to think about their problems right before bedtime, especially in the fall. The fact is that he has the time for such thoughts, as the apartment is not very warm and to warm up under a blanket takes time. Besides, for most people, bedtime is the only time he can be alone with your thoughts. Hence, developed insomnia, and about ways to effectively combat it told the experts:

1. A shower before bed. If you have already used to do useful contrast shower, then in the evening hot water needs to be extreme. The water relaxes and soothes the nerves, which is beneficial for health and well-being.

2. The warm milk. Many people would agree that half a glass of warm milk before bedtime is one of the easiest ways to fall asleep quickly.

3. Email and social networks should be visited no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

4. Turn off the TV and dim the lights when they start to prepare to go to sleep.

5. To read the Russian classics. Reading always relaxes and after 10-15 minutes you will begin to feel sleepy.

6. Leave all your problems till tomorrow. In the morning with a fresh mind you will solve them much faster and easier than going half the night to think and sleep.

7. We postpone any serious conversations with the household. It is not necessary to sort things out before going to sleep, otherwise sleep will not succeed.

8. Change sheets at least once a week. Than fresh linens, the better to sleep on it. If the apartment is cold, you can walk the iron on sheets, blankets and pillows. This way you will destroy the parasites and ensure yourself a warm bed.

9. Ventilate the room in which going to sleep. Even if you are not in the room very warm, you still need to run to fresh air. Try it once and you will realize that coolness promotes good sleep.

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