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As the color of girl’s hair affects her success with men

Как цвет волос девушки влияет на ее успех у мужчинScientists have described how the men choose a girl by hair color.

Despite the ordinary phrase and a legendary film “Gentlemen prefer blondes”, at times, men prefer brunettes.

British researchers conducted a large-scale survey to understand the role in which men are more likely to represent girls with different hair color.

So, scientists found out that the strong half of humanity considers the dark-haired girls more suitable for the role of wife.

The survey of 1,000 men showed that men believe: brunettes better care of themselves, have the best culinary talents and well-maintain cleanliness in the home.

54% chose as wife’s a brunette, 16% blonde and 30% have said that hair color is meaningless factor. More men said that brunettes have some depth, more inclined to sexual experimentation and better versed in financial matters.

But as girls 48% supported blondes and 25% dark, 17% red and 10% are unable to make a choice.

I wonder what statistics say: the girls usually change the hair color, when you see such a metamorphosis at some star. And since the shade of hair is connected with one of the most persistent stereotypes that affect and strong floor. Blondes men called more frivolous, expressive, but also more in need of care and constant assistance on the part of men, rather happy than upset a significant part of the respondents.

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