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As in the morning to Wake up faster: simple tips

Как утром быстрее проснуться: простые советыTo ease the morning, we must act wisely.

From hard waking up in the morning people suffer no less than from a bad sleep night. This is one of the sleep disorders, because ideally, we should Wake up cheerful and full of energy the way nature intended.

To ease the morning, we must also act wisely.

So, to get up in the morning with a fresh head and have to provide the room a sufficient amount of oxygen is difficult standing is largely due to the fact that the brain at night experienced oxygen starvation. To do this, it is recommended to sleep with an open window. Or at least the room before going to sleep must be well ventilated. Also the bedroom is to make many plants, absorb oxygen. Better to put here sansevieriya – pike tail, which just the night oxygen highlights.

The room should not be too hot, it also disrupts the quality of sleep and leads to the broken state in the morning.

After the spill we still in bed with a good stretch – it activates blood circulation and facilitates the process of getting up. You can shake their hands and feet to enhance the capillary circulation in the body. Some energetic exercises and a contrast shower will complete this endeavor, and fully activate the body in the morning.

Instead of coffee better to drink freshly brewed hot tea or cocoa. They have the ability to charge the body with vigor for a long time in contrast to coffee, which has a momentary effect. The reception in the morning ascorbic acid also helps you quickly come to the tone.

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