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Simple methods to improve blood circulation

Простые методы для улучшения циркуляции кровиHow to improve blood circulation.

We have gathered for You useful tips how to improve blood circulation .

Teach your body to move more

A sedentary lifestyle leads to poor circulation of blood. If your cells are not getting enough oxygen, then you most likely feel sluggish, look tired and haggard and perhaps there is even a more serious problem – one that may indicate the presence of cardiovascular diseases. To boost your energy levels, tone your body and feel younger again, use 20 natural tips improve blood circulation.

Eat Cayenne red pepper

Cayenne red pepper contains capsaicin, a chemical compound that helps to lower cholesterol and cleanse the arteries and blood vessels. Add the ground pepper in fried foods, as well as in teas, soups and juices. To pay attention to the specific body area where you have poor circulation, mix ground red pepper with enough water to form a paste. Pour the mixture in a thin layer on the cheesecloth and wrap the cloth around the problem area, When burning, add a little olive oil. This paste is intended to relieve tension.

Dry wiping daily

Dry rubbing strengthens the skin, increasing blood flow in the region of the wiping and increases oxygen intake. This ritual also warms you up in cold winter morning! For dry wiping most effectively done from the bottom up, in a circular motion towards the heart. Perform movement in a clockwise direction and go through each area of skin twice. Focus on the neck, under knees, under the arms, and General groin area for greatest results. Also focus on “thick” thighs to reduce cellulite.

Take a contrast shower

Contrast showers – a shower with alternating hot and cold water. When you stand under cold water – the lymphatic vessels are narrowed, and when under hot water, they expand. This creates a pump effect that contributes to increased lymph drainage and blood in the veins.

Do regular massage

Massage helps to relax the muscles, which improves blood flow to the heart and relieves stress. Do massage regularly, at least once a month to increase blood circulation. How do you like this excuse for health?

Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet should include high alkaline foods – plenty of fruits and vegetables because they increase the flow of oxygen in the blood and improve overall blood circulation. It almost goes without saying.

Go for the Ginkgo

Ginkgo biloba is used in Germany to treat varicose veins and is widely known for its ability to improve memory by increasing blood flow to the brain. This herb strengthens blood vessels and is anti-inflammatory.

Practice jumping

Jumping stimulate additional circulation, in which blood vessels are formed, according to him, the blood moves to the heart. Increase capillaries in the muscles leads to a decrease in the distance between capillaries and cells. That’s what jump!

Drink water

This will help to avoid dehydration and make the blood more fluid. The level of oxygen in the blood more, when the body enough fluids.

Increase the amount of dietary fiber in the diet

High fiber content promotes healthy cardiovascular system. And contributes to the formation of propionic acid in the gut. This acid reduces the level of bile and cholesterol in the intestine. Low cholesterol reduces the amount of plaques in the arteries and leads to improved circulation.

Eat more garlic

It is known that garlic reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, purifies the blood, increases the tone of the heart, improves circulation and prevents heart disease.

Use an infrared sauna

Infrared sauna is a powerful tool. Infrared rays penetrate the skin to a depth of several inches, heating the body from within, while the surface temperature of skin remains normal. Your arteries dilate, the heart begins to beat faster, and burns calories.

Eat foods with vitamin C

Low levels of vitamin C there is a narrowing of the arteries the blood goes to the feet. Without sufficient amounts of vitamin C that can accumulate plaque, leading to atherosclerosis. Also vitamin C will help keep arteries flexible.

Add lemons to your diet

Lemons contain citric acid, which naturally improves circulation. Oranges and grapefruits also contain citric acid and have the same effect. Squeeze lemon juice into water or tea, and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

Use the heat

Treatment of body heat, increases flexibility of tissues, removes toxins from the cells and increases blood flow. Hot packs, hot water bottles and warm pads are very popular and effective in the treatment areas of the body with poor circulation.


When the body and mind are relaxed, you are relaxed and capillaries and muscle. It facilitates blood flow and overall circulation. Thus blood pressure is lowered. Practice yoga or take the moment for daily breathing exercises, meditation, or relaxing walks.

Do regular stretching

Stretching improves the blood flow in muscles, making them more flexible and less prone to injury. Go to yoga with a friend or every morning, spend a few minutes stretching.

Eat foods with vitamin E

Vitamin E dilates blood vessels that contribute to the rapid transit of blood through them. This prevents blood clotting and helps the formation of red blood cells.

Take omega-3 for heart health

Omega-3 fatty acids lower fibrin in the blood. Fibrin promotes the formation of blood clots, studies show that omega-3 fatty acids can prevent this.

Eat dark chocolate

Chocolate contains antioxidants called flavonoids, which stimulate blood circulation. In Harvard studies 2003 “Journey on Hypertension”, said the significant expansion of blood vessels in adults after four days of consumption of chocolate.

More sleep

Sleep is the panacea for almost all diseases! Sufficient duration of sleep reduces tension in the body and allows the muscles to relax, which promotes detoxification and lymphatic drainage. All this leads to improved circulation.

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