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As for 5 minute to eliminate bad breath, the prescription from the dentist

Как за 5 минут устранить неприятный запах изо рта - рецепт от стоматологаIt became known as a few minutes to get rid of the stinky aroma coming from my own mouth.

Odor in the mouth is not due to the fact, to what social class the person belongs. The fact that such a phenomenon may be caused not only by lack of oral hygiene, and many other factors, such as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, when a person will not be able to physically control the smell from his mouth.

Dentists recommend flossing or brushing after every meal and drinking colored beverages such as fruit drinks, juices, tea and coffee. It is not always possible to go to the bathroom to brush teeth and freshen your breath, and therefore an unpleasant odor.

If a person ate any product having the characteristic flavor, it is perfect for such a solution foul-smelling breath: rinsing with a special solution that everyone can cook and if you want to take with you to work.

The recipe of a powerful mouthwash

1. Squeeze the juice of two lemons, which will eliminate the bacteria and their waste products from the mouth in seconds, and will also give the breath a pleasant citrus aroma.

2. Add to the lemon juice half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, this spice is also effective against bacteria and burns them on their way.

3. Now is the time to add conditioner sweet honey in quantity of 1 tsp. Honey is also capable of destroying pathogenic micro-organisms in the mouth and in the digestive organs, so this ingredient will be useful.

4. One teaspoon of baking soda in this recipe will serve as an excellent tool for bleaching the tooth enamel, plus it is nice to eliminates bacteria.

5. To dilute all this explosive mixture in a plastic bottle with one Cup of warm boiled water.

A bottle of mouthwash for the oral cavity may even need to carry. At any time you can get some mouthwash in your mouth, rinse his teeth and spit them out, after which you will immediately notice that extraneous flavors after food disappeared from his mouth and breath was fresh. Such an inexpensive and easy to prepare mouthwash will be indispensable for those people who are at work have to communicate with many other people. So as not to upset others and not cause them revulsion, use this recipe every day, harm your health it will not bring.

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