Home / Incredible / Archaeologists have found on the Yamal Peninsula burial with the mummy of the XIII century

Archaeologists have found on the Yamal Peninsula burial with the mummy of the XIII century

Археологи нашли на Ямале захоронения с мумиями XIII векаArchaeologists once found the burials of ancient people.

New burial, in which rested the remains of ancient people, could detect archaeologists from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district.

The necropolis was found on the territory called “Zelenyi Yar”.

There are archaeological excavations. Scientists have been able to open seven ancient tombs. This was told by Alexander Gusev who is an employee of the Scientific center of Arctic research.

Archaeologists will explore 110 square meters. Itself the scientific expedition will end on July 10, then all found remains will be scrutinized.

Archaeologists have to determine the reasons for the killing of ancient people, but also to determine the sex of the mummified bodies. Alexander Gusev noted that at this point uncovered seven graves and now archaeologists are trying to discover one.

According to the scientist, one of the burials was a double. In it were found the skeletons. One skeleton was destroyed, and the second almost untouched. Gusev suggested that the intact skeleton could simply ignore.

Summing up, the scientist added that archaeologists have found well-preserved cloth that covered the body of the mummies. As well as a small pendant the size of a palm. Archaeological excavations in the “Green Yar” underway since 1997.

Since then, scientists have been able to establish that the main part of funerary structures is the remains of ancient necropolises. During the work, archaeologists have discovered 30 burial and 12 mummies.

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