Home / Incredible / Archaeologists have discovered an ancient analog baby monitors

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient analog baby monitors

Археологи обнаружили древний аналог радионяниArtifacts found during excavations of the necropolis of Kyz-Aul in the East of the Peninsula.

In the East of the Crimea during the excavations of the ancient city Kyz-Aul archaeologists found the “monitor” of the early middle Ages, as well as the tombstone of the son of the player” and “son of a lumberjack”.

The artifacts belong to the VI century of our era, said on Saturday the Fund “Archaeology”.

Scientists have discovered a bell, made of copper alloy, the object was on the bracelet with sliding edges. According to the expert Pavel Gecko, a similar device worn on the hand of a small child to know his whereabouts. The bell can be described as a medieval “monitor”.

The finding was in a child’s grave next to the remains of the owner, the scientists make the assumption that the subject was thrown out by robbers after opening the burial. The thieves were not interested in the product from base metal.

Archaeologists also managed to find a set in the bone, these things they found in another child’s grave. This tomb was called “son of the player”. In the burial of the “son of a lumberjack” found beads made of Egyptian faience, two pendants, jewelry was made of jet and had the shape of axes.

The process of excavation of the necropolis in the Crimea will last until the beginning of September. Archaeologists working on the area of over 650 square meters.

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