Home / Science and technology / Apple will introduce a feature that allows you to become an organ donor

Apple will introduce a feature that allows you to become an organ donor

Apple введет функцию, позволяющую стать донором органовThis function is available in the update operating system.

American technology giant Apple will offer iPhone owners to become organ donors. This function is already provided in iOS release 10. It will help the users of Apple gadgets ready after death to donate their organs to sign up as volunteers.

According to Tim cook, this idea pushed him to the fate of the founder of Apple, which has painfully been expecting the donor liver.

In order to become a volunteer, the user can simply click on the Health app.

It is reported that this feature is currently available to all iPhone owners living in the United States. Take advantage of it will be already possible this autumn, after an OS update.

The publication notes that according to the statistics in the United States every 10 minutes in the waiting list for donor organs added one person. The daily 22 patients dying while waiting for organs for transplantation.

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