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Curve line — a look inside

"Кривая" линия — взгляд изнутри

Yesterday in the village of Ozersk Korsakov district of the Sakhalin took part of the straight line with the President. From the departments of plant of a name of Kirov the President was asked about delayed salaries and ex-Governor. At the time of preparation and holding of a straight line of fish-processing enterprise was strategic.

The IA Sakh.com the corner of my eye was able to look behind the scenes “of the main project of the country”, slightly met with its creators and keepers and had to give up on yourself and the world around them.

Curve line — a look inside

Yesterday in the village of Ozersk Korsakov district of the Sakhalin took part of the straight line with the President. From the departments of plant of a name of Kirov the President was asked about delayed salaries and ex-Governor. At the time of preparation and holding of a straight line of fish-processing enterprise was strategic. The IA Sakh.com the corner of my eye was able to look behind the scenes “of the main project of the country”, slightly met with its creators and keepers and had to give up on yourself and the world around them.

Curve line with President

"Кривая" линия — взгляд изнутри

In 2001, when held the first direct line with President Vladimir Putin, I was 10 years old. Grand action, a thousand people from all over Russia, millions of questions… Problems of the whole country, covered in three to four hours. And solutions, overtaking the injustice like a lightning strike or a click of the whip: time — and there is a corrupt boss, and poor baby girl gets a ventilator, three — and “slave labour in the fishery…”.

Needless to say that in 10 years the body this line made an unprecedented impression? I wanted to live, go to school, to become same strong and courageous, Mr President. As the years passed and the gloss of live transmissions to fading… No, Vladimir Putin did not become less bold and resolute. Just looking at bumpy roads and hear stories about sick and dying kids, more and more thought — they are terribly distant from the people.

Unfortunately, this was not only a feeling.

Operation “fish factory”: espionage Chinese saury

I realize now that I just got lucky. I arrived at the Kirov factory, owned by the “Gidrostroy”, about two hours before a straight line — with difficulty persuading Korsakoff bombila the dash on a first coat in Ozersk. Experienced driver strictly followed the logic of “more speed, less than the pits”. That’s why we got the place at a time when the plant was just a plant and not closed a strategic target.

Then I didn’t think about that at all: not burdened with “political issues” the mind seemed a direct line to the President — event, which put on just have. And people who have questions, and especially journalists, whose task is to illuminate historical events. When, thought I, Vladimir Putin, even if virtual, will be in Ozersk? But never.

Apparently, fate felt the same way. The plant has opened its doors — in the bustle of cameras, wires, and high expectations of superiors, a lone man with a backpack had not attracted any attention. Let’s say.

— Hello. Hello… I Have A Question. Thanks…

Not suspecting anything wrong and illegal, I was walking down stairs and corridors, making his way to the canning workshop — I still remember this plant, its power and vapour that struck me when we first met over a year ago. He was walking and walking and went straight to the shop with a sinking heart, looked at dozens of people, smoothly and rapidly transforming landscape of utilitarian processing in the temple of journalism.

Yes, I’ve figured out what it cost them — in between the shop a few days engineers VGTRK and First mounted the light and camera. He worked when he was washing the conveyors, mounted, when there was a shift change. As journalists of a broadcasting company was looking for heroes, helped them to formulate questions, taught to cope with anxiety in front of the camera…

— Excuse me, where do boots can take, go to the shop? — interested in a rich fish smell and excitement of the hallway.

Thanks for the hair! Can you ask me to popudrit then? My wife branded powder was striding across the corridor for future lines, booted and suited to contrast — high boots and a dressy shirt.

— Excuse me, where’s the boots? Please… looking for understanding and assistance.

In the end, the cloakroom has found itself another operator needed to go to the shop. Trailer and I trudge.

Inside is boiling hard work. Even two at once — focused rubblebucket deprive the heads and fins saury, stern TV crew watching with interest the process, not forgetting about the latest hardware settings — “light, camera, action” will come here in a few hours. But now the troubled plant workers stand in the light of Jupiter, trustingly look at the Director…

It was only later that I recognize each of them checked a few days, literally cooked to the main airwaves.

Click, click, click… There is history in the making. Click, click, click… Here to create a portrait of Russia… click, click, Click… Wronged and the oppressed will soon be saved, justice will prevail…

— You whose press service? — catch me at the conveyor that the leading with the shirt and powder.

— A draw.

— And who are you then?

— The journalist. Local publication.

‘Ah, a journalist… Come with me.

The next hour was for me a time of self-discovery. Angry my appearance on the factory RTR producers demanded removal of staff and expulsion in disgrace. In the course were exhortations, calls heads… I was genuinely puzzled — well, guys, this is the event. It’s in Moscow, Putin every day… And we’re on the edge… We would at least Medvedev, Lavrov we even agree… Straight line…

Please remove the photo! — increase the tone of the negotiations, the representatives of Federal mass media. It is our exclusive right and our exclusive material!

And this is my exclusive camera, an exclusive my bought a flash drive and my exclusive naselenie photo.

— Call my editor. I’m on a mission, nothing illegal was done. To solve it, please…

Call, about something argue, go back…

Please remove the photo! This is our exclusive content! — we leave on the second circle before landing is still very far away.

Then there were entreaties, threats by police and city Department Korsakov, requests to give the stick a good. On the court meanwhile began another run — of hardware raced cheerful voice, sounded female, “Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich!”. Maybe last year’s failure to pay wages really care… Maybe not… Not knowing the kitchen, hard to say.

Was left to sit in the hallway and try to comprehend, what it was that I violated and why this historical moment is a forbidden topic? Putin isn’t common, not Russian? And why are the people in the shop can talk to him, and I’m even seeing it with not eligible?

I thought and did not understand.

“Your output, or jesters are buried outside the fence”

— You know, first of all, it is the most powerful sociological survey. Millions of questions were received through various channels and it gives the opportunity to see really what people are concerned about. Here our farmer talked about the distrust of statistics. Probably, there is also the option of mistrust. But when you look and listen to people, then it’s all seen differently. Second, it provides the opportunity to convey to the people the position of the leadership of the country and my own on certain key issues, to assess what is happening.

So last year described the main purpose of a direct line of Vladimir Putin. Question about the goals and objectives of the event was the final in that year and for some reason the opening (for me).

It was evening, there was nothing to do… Time is 19 hours and the “exclusive issue” is still far from being resolved. Negotiations with VGTRK spinning, like Julia, give, delete, erase, destroy. Can’t, on what basis, call to the chief editor Of a leading… essential to the shop floor of the corridor I was moved to a private room, with me a few serious talk to serious people…

At half past seven in my lonely office looked Oleg Kozhemyako, Governor of the, which I had to pass from hand to hand. So the producer said. Heart stopped. But, apparently, the head of the field just opened the wrong door.

At 19.40 my phone began it’s dangerous to run out of charge. From the Internet (where I searched for, what it was that I broke) had to go in the internal reader to which I had not touched for six months, suddenly found the book “Your output, or jesters are buried outside the fence”. To such hints the fate of journalism I was not prepared.

It is not a time — go from the yard.

The spacious lobby is still busy — scurrying hither and thither the rulers, passing the smiling mayor of Korsakov, from the office of the General Director of the plant came the stentorian voice of the Governor. Oleg, think again solves some fish problems.

— Oh, let go what? — asked the young man in the chair. It turns out that he is the operator, based on the “Gidrostroy”. Arrived on site to remove the story from the company’s coming anniversary, is preparing a film. Hotline with the President in it, confident in the company, would have been a cool touch. — And I was forced to delete everything. So… No you a straight line.

Before the beginning of the ether 10 minutes, hope to go to the shop no. It remains only to go to Ozersk — at the entrance to the plant had just installed a large screen to “ordinary people” could look at a Grand event.

— Where are you?

— On the street. To remove the real serchan.

— Leave the stick and go. There you have questionable content. We will, of course, hold on…

This was followed by the appeal to journalistic ethics, promises to investigate and return me the flash drive in a safe and deformativnost.

— Let’s not here to butt heads. I your portal today for the first time in my life I read at all… let’s play nice…

But to hell with it, I think, take my flash drive — it’s a producer, a Federal channel, and they will not lie to. Will return.

I own tomorrow off, want? continues to persuade the producer of RTR.

Well, why wouldn’t professional? Open the camera, pull out the stick, put it on the table.

— You take it over! Show photo!

Insert, show. Get, awkward’m hand in his pocket…

— You threw in your pocket, and the other got!

Insert, show. Pull the arm forward, roll up sleeves, pull out the memory card… Put it on the table, I stand on two feet, so that colleagues didn’t think that I’ve overwritten the files with the power of thought.

Click, click, click… Stapler solders “exclusive” in the paper, the pen writes on a makeshift envelope — “content producer RTR”… the Envelope to the astonished eyes of the Secretary of the factory Director (uncommon here such shows) is transmitted parole.

I clean the card and the conscience go out in the night — over Ozersk starts the Blizzard, the waves beat on the shore. In Moscow, Vladimir Putin began to answer the questions of the Russians.

Want to have deserted, do it in Ozersk

Curve line — a look inside

14:28 15 April 2016.

Cyril Jasko


Policy, Korsakov

Yesterday in the village of Ozersk Korsakov district of the Sakhalin took part of the straight line with the President. From the departments of plant of a name of Kirov the President was asked about delayed salaries and ex-Governor. At the time of preparation and holding of a straight line of fish-processing enterprise was strategic. The IA Sakh.com the corner of my eye was able to look behind the scenes “of the main project of the country”, slightly met with its creators and keepers and had to give up on yourself and the world around them.

Curve line with President

"Кривая" линия — взгляд изнутри

In 2001, when held the first direct line with President Vladimir Putin, I was 10 years old. Grand action, a thousand people from all over Russia, millions of questions… Problems of the whole country, covered in three to four hours. And solutions, overtaking the injustice like a lightning strike or a click of the whip: time — and there is a corrupt boss, and poor baby girl gets a ventilator, three — and “slave labour in the fishery…”.

Needless to say that in 10 years the body this line made an unprecedented impression? I wanted to live, go to school, to become same strong and courageous, Mr President. As the years passed and the gloss of live transmissions to fading… No, Vladimir Putin did not become less bold and resolute. Just looking at bumpy roads and hear stories about sick and dying kids, more and more thought — they are terribly distant from the people.

Unfortunately, this was not only a feeling.

Operation “fish factory”: espionage Chinese saury

I realize now that I just got lucky. I arrived at the Kirov factory, owned by the “Gidrostroy”, about two hours before a straight line — with difficulty persuading Korsakoff bombila the dash on a first coat in Ozersk. Experienced driver strictly followed the logic of “more speed, less than the pits”. That’s why we got the place at a time when the plant was just a plant and not closed a strategic target.

Then I didn’t think about that at all: not burdened with “political issues” the mind seemed a direct line to the President — event, which put on just have. And people who have questions, and especially journalists, whose task is to illuminate historical events. When, thought I, Vladimir Putin, even if virtual, will be in Ozersk? But never.

Apparently, fate felt the same way. The plant has opened its doors — in the bustle of cameras, wires, and high expectations of superiors, a lone man with a backpack had not attracted any attention. Let’s say.

— Hello. Hello… I Have A Question. Thanks…

Not suspecting anything wrong and illegal, I was walking down stairs and corridors, making his way to the canning workshop — I still remember this plant, its power and vapour that struck me when we first met over a year ago. He was walking and walking and went straight to the shop with a sinking heart, looked at dozens of people, smoothly and rapidly transforming landscape of utilitarian processing in the temple of journalism.

"Кривая" линия — взгляд изнутри

"Кривая" линия — взгляд изнутри

"Кривая" линия — взгляд изнутри

"Кривая" линия — взгляд изнутри

"Кривая" линия — взгляд изнутри

Yes, I’ve figured out what it cost them — in between the shop a few days engineers VGTRK and First mounted the light and camera. He worked when he was washing the conveyors, mounted, when there was a shift change. As journalists of a broadcasting company was looking for heroes, helped them to formulate questions, taught to cope with anxiety in front of the camera…

— Excuse me, where do boots can take, go to the shop? — interested in a rich fish smell and excitement of the hallway.

Thanks for the hair! Can you ask me to popudrit then? My wife branded powder was striding across the corridor for future lines, booted and suited to contrast — high boots and a dressy shirt.

— Excuse me, where’s the boots? Please… looking for understanding and assistance.

In the end, the cloakroom has found itself another operator needed to go to the shop. Trailer and I trudge.

Inside is boiling hard work. Even two at once — focused rubblebucket deprive the heads and fins saury, stern TV crew watching with interest the process, not forgetting about the latest hardware settings — “light, camera, action” will come here in a few hours. But now the troubled plant workers stand in the light of Jupiter, trustingly look at the Director…



It was only later that I recognize each of them checked a few days, literally cooked to the main airwaves.

Click, click, click… There is history in the making. Click, click, click… Here to create a portrait of Russia… click, click, Click… Wronged and the oppressed will soon be saved, justice will prevail…

— You whose press service? — catch me at the conveyor that the leading with the shirt and powder.

— A draw.

— And who are you then?

— The journalist. Local publication.

‘Ah, a journalist… Come with me.

The next hour was for me a time of self-discovery. Angry my appearance on the factory RTR producers demanded removal of staff and expulsion in disgrace. In the course were exhortations, calls heads… I was genuinely puzzled — well, guys, this is the event. It’s in Moscow, Putin every day… And we’re on the edge… We would at least Medvedev, Lavrov we even agree… Straight line…

Please remove the photo! — increase the tone of the negotiations, the representatives of Federal mass media. It is our exclusive right and our exclusive material!

And this is my exclusive camera, an exclusive my bought a flash drive and my exclusive naselenie photo.

— Call my editor. I’m on a mission, nothing illegal was done. To solve it, please…

Call, about something argue, go back…

Please remove the photo! This is our exclusive content! — we leave on the second circle before landing is still very far away.

Then there were entreaties, threats by police and city Department Korsakov, requests to give the stick a good. On the court meanwhile began another run — of hardware raced cheerful voice, sounded female, “Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich!”. Maybe last year’s failure to pay wages really care… Maybe not… Not knowing the kitchen, hard to say.

Was left to sit in the hallway and try to comprehend, what it was that I violated and why this historical moment is a forbidden topic? Putin isn’t common, not Russian? And why are the people in the shop can talk to him, and I’m even seeing it with not eligible?

I thought and did not understand.

“Your output, or jesters are buried outside the fence”

— You know, first of all, it is the most powerful sociological survey. Millions of questions were received through various channels and it gives the opportunity to see really what people are concerned about. Here our farmer talked about the distrust of statistics. Probably, there is also the option of mistrust. But when you look and listen to people, then it’s all seen differently. Second, it provides the opportunity to convey to the people the position of the leadership of the country and my own on certain key issues, to assess what is happening.

So last year described the main purpose of a direct line of Vladimir Putin. Question about the goals and objectives of the event was the final in that year and for some reason the opening (for me).

It was evening, there was nothing to do… Time is 19 hours and the “exclusive issue” is still far from being resolved. Negotiations with VGTRK spinning, like Julia, give, delete, erase, destroy. Can’t, on what basis, call to the chief editor Of a leading… essential to the shop floor of the corridor I was moved to a private room, with me a few serious talk to serious people…

At half past seven in my lonely office looked Oleg Kozhemyako, Governor of the, which I had to pass from hand to hand. So the producer said. Heart stopped. But, apparently, the head of the field just opened the wrong door.

At 19.40 my phone began it’s dangerous to run out of charge. From the Internet (where I searched for, what it was that I broke) had to go in the internal reader to which I had not touched for six months, suddenly found the book “Your output, or jesters are buried outside the fence”. To such hints the fate of journalism I was not prepared.

It is not a time — go from the yard.

The spacious lobby is still busy — scurrying hither and thither the rulers, passing the smiling mayor of Korsakov, from the office of the General Director of the plant came the stentorian voice of the Governor. Oleg, think again solves some fish problems.

— Oh, let go what? — asked the young man in the chair. It turns out that he is the operator, based on the “Gidrostroy”. Arrived on site to remove the story from the company’s coming anniversary, is preparing a film. Hotline with the President in it, confident in the company, would have been a cool touch. — And I was forced to delete everything. So… No you a straight line.

Before the beginning of the ether 10 minutes, hope to go to the shop no. It remains only to go to Ozersk — at the entrance to the plant had just installed a large screen to “ordinary people” could look at a Grand event.

— Where are you?

— On the street. To remove the real serchan.

— Leave the stick and go. There you have questionable content. We will, of course, hold on…

This was followed by the appeal to journalistic ethics, promises to investigate and return me the flash drive in a safe and deformativnost.

— Let’s not here to butt heads. I your portal today for the first time in my life I read at all… let’s play nice…

But to hell with it, I think, take my flash drive — it’s a producer, a Federal channel, and they will not lie to. Will return.

I own tomorrow off, want? continues to persuade the producer of RTR.

Well, why wouldn’t professional? Open the camera, pull out the stick, put it on the table.

— You take it over! Show photo!

Insert, show. Get, awkward’m hand in his pocket…

— You threw in your pocket, and the other got!

Insert, show. Pull the arm forward, roll up sleeves, pull out the memory card… Put it on the table, I stand on two feet, so that colleagues didn’t think that I’ve overwritten the files with the power of thought.

Click, click, click… Stapler solders “exclusive” in the paper, the pen writes on a makeshift envelope — “content producer RTR”… the Envelope to the astonished eyes of the Secretary of the factory Director (uncommon here such shows) is transmitted parole.

I clean the card and the conscience go out in the night — over Ozersk starts the Blizzard, the waves beat on the shore. In Moscow, Vladimir Putin began to answer the questions of the Russians.

Want to have deserted, do it in Ozersk



In front of the screen in Ozersk — desert. Only at the edge of the clay meadow worth half a dozen cars. Residents and guests of the village watching with interest what is happening — a bright rectangle, a window on another world, lit by a Moscow Studio. And all around — the darkness, the snow, the roar of the sea and the mud. And the crew of island channels, which, naturally, the plant was not allowed. Flit, like the Siberian cranes, intercepting each other a few heroes. Those who still believe in a straight line and came on a windswept Piglet for truth and help.

— We have no roads, give way at least in Korsakov! — ask the locals.

The fleet left! Enterprise bent! Everything is falling apart, help Mr Putin! — says the fisherman with 18 years of experience.

In the Bay there is no gas, roads, the mayor ignores us! — outraged, the representatives of the initiative group of Primorsk city, who arrived on the “other Cape of Sakhalin” to refer to his last hope.

— When we have landscaping? ask shod in rubber boots.

Residents listened to and recorded — say, these “canned” (so on TV referred to as a material that “love” tomorrow and can be useful in any of the following subjects) shipped to Moscow. And there the producers of a straight line evaluate them, weigh. And, perhaps, at the last moment you suddenly let in the air. Or will not be allowed. Or not on the air.

By nine o’clock the area becomes more desert — tired from the Crimea and naive children’s questions about the “mess” of a few asylum dispersed and went home. Only two girls, Alana and Lena — Yes the little dog Chapa with the hope of gazing on the screen — all three (well, two really) just like Vladimir Putin, just believe him, I just want in the country all was well.

— Tell, and if we question you ask, you will give him? — they are interested me.

— If I could, of course, would pass, I will be honest with me. And think to myself: no, if I could, I wouldn’t be standing here with you. And possibly wouldn’t have to think about your existence and problems. Big journalism, and big politics, thinks in other categories…

Then there was the long-awaited live from the shop — suddenly it appeared that all concerned in Ozersk plant on Shikotan and khoroshavina billion — And it’s already April 15, the country woke up updated — with resignations, new roads, heard by the fish.

But is it better?

P. S. Stick to us until he returned. But promised. In its sound we don’t doubt.

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