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A strict diet trigger obesity – scientists

Строгие диеты провоцируют ожирение, - ученыеIt is proved that rapid weight loss leads to obesity.

From the love of cakes you will not have excess weight, but from the endless diets you get into the danger zone. Exactly permanent diet leads to the appearance of additional pounds.

A British expert on obesity, Dr. David Ludwig, have proved that diet causes the body to try to stock up on fat.

It would seem that diet help to lose weight. But, no! The relationship operates in the reverse order, that is, weight gain is a factor that the person starts to eat more, says a scientist.

What to do if you need to lose weight? The doctor advises to adjust your diet containing a normal amount of calories. The desire to achieve weight loss by reducing calories consumed specialist called a useless method, since reducing the number of calories entering the body, the body cells start to accumulate in itself energy – this food is not productive.

In addition, according to David, in terms of reducing caloric content in your diet the person feels much more hunger than usual. Here is the answer to the question why so often after a reset kg person in further overeating and gaining weight. From this we can conclude – all low-calorie diets don’t work, or work for a very short time.

A recommendation from a UK expert: do not reduce the amount of fat, and to consume meat, dairy products and nuts. It has been repeatedly proved, these products not only prevent, but also will help to slender figure.

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