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A half-kilometer asteroid flying past Earth

Полукилометровый астероид пролетел мимо ЗемлиThe flying object was listed in the list of potentially dangerous for our planet because of its large size.

Nameless asteroid, codenamed 388945 flew at a distance of 5 million kilometers above the Earth’s surface, this was told by the staff of the minor planet center, part of the international astronomical Union.

According to a message sent from astronomers working in the Observatory mount Lemmon, the nameless stranger is the representative of the so-called group of The asteroids, i.e. the celestial bodies relatively small size, approaching the surface of the Sun is much closer than our planet.

A new asteroid has a fairly large size, which allowed scientists to call it an approximate radius that is about 160 – 490 meters. Currently, this celestial body is included in the list of objects that can be potentially hazardous to Earth.

5 may 2016 inhabiting the planet and its inhabitants asteroid 388945 not threatened with danger, as it flew at a sufficient distance from the Ground.

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