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With a man in bed it is better not to speak

С мужчиной в постели этого лучше не говоритьDuring sex with a man is better to speak less and do more.

Let’s start with the fact that in bed all the talk is almost irrelevant. They are distracting and do not adjust at the process. If a couple of words or even interjections to have you, certain phrases and words are best forgotten.

If you are going to start to oral sex or petting, forget the words “baby” and different hypocoristic-diminutive charms. Even if your man won’t tell you anything, he will still not very well configured. He thinks he doesn’t have a great advantage and you do not perceive him as a strong and passionate partner.

Let’s talk! You need to talk before or after (although after not too much to talk). During the process have a place to be sexual things, but not a discussion of your day, or buying new curtains. After sex, leave him alone, just lie together, embracing, and enjoy each other’s company.

I’ll lie down and you do it yourself. Logs in bed useless. If you are tired or not feeling well, so better tell him. He will perceive the behavior of “Pinocchio” as a favor and unwillingness sexual relations with him.

Talking dirty, insulting and behavior of a porn actress. How many cases of women trying to impress a man, acted as actress movie for adults. Even if the guy looks spicy movies, that doesn’t mean he wants to see you in this role. There is in fact an actress, and you — is his mother, sensual and feminine. There are exceptions, of course, but it is better to clarify in advance, so as not to shock inadvertently.

Forget the phrase “is that all?”, “But, Vasya, Kolya, Sasha, this was not”, “He’s already inside?”, “You like me?”, “You are the best” (and who all and how many were there?), “Don’t look at my thighs”, What a pose, I am not any” and other such. They just discourage your partner’s every desire.

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