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Why on an empty stomach is bad to play sports

Почему на голодный желудок вредно заниматься спортом  Eating before a workout is required! Parse why exactly.

If you are among those who think “I will eat less, to exercise more and lose weight faster”, then we have to disappoint you. Do not lose weight.

Not even because it’s impossible, but because hunger will not allow to do. And, by the way, this is a typical beginner error. Usually in this approach to training and nutrition, people are the opposite – very quickly drop weight loss.

Training on an empty stomach is very harmful, taken from the body force, the body aimed at energy saving and strongly protests.

Remember: in order to exercise properly, you need the right calories, so you should eat an hour before class. Even dancing, walking, you spend a huge amount of energy.

What to eat before exercise for weight loss: oatmeal, buckwheat, fruit (except bananas and grapes), vegetables, salads.

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