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Why man loses interest in a woman: the main causes

Почему мужчина теряет интерес к женщине: основные причиныPsychologists advise not to try to control everything and not to focus on relationships with former lovers.

No matter how strong and everlasting love may seem, at some point, the choice may simply leave, leaving the eternal question – why he did it. Psychologists have called the 5 most common reasons for the loss of interest of man to woman.

The role of second mother

In a relationship you all have time to prepare for his chosen, to take care of his health, to monitor perfect view of his clothes and to please in the bedroom. In short, blame you whatsoever, because all the time you literally dedicate the man. So why after some time it stops to appreciate the efforts of women who are ready for it all? Abundance efforts and your guardianship of the opposite sex can sometimes cause him to Association with his mother. Apparently, he’s looking for a woman with a different character, though not perfect, but still one that will not call him at work asking if he had lunch today.

Grey cardinal

There are women who may not even realize that in their lives they need to control everything. Starting from the order in which are placed cups in the kitchen and ending themes, which tie wearing man. Everything must be just so, she said, or else wait for the emotional storm and a tsunami of claims. With her partner becomes chronic henpecked or daring revolutionary who sooner or later leave the society. Now he can fold his pants where he pleases, does not flinch at the thought that he was too lazy to wash a Cup, and just feel a full man.

Boring sex

At first everything was fine – the partners get used to each other in intimate terms, aligned and searched for a shared path to pleasure. But over time he began to notice that the woman is completely passive in sex, it turns out that all he needs to do. Sexual diversity in intimate life is also not observed, everything goes in a circle: the same poses and the same sighs. Then it becomes trite boring, and the desire to follow your instincts takes over, because somewhere there is a woman, in his opinion, the way in bed for more.

Love for ex-boyfriend

All in the past have the experience of a painful relationship that was hard to let go. But at some point the man becomes unbearable quietly watching as the woman constantly mentions her ex-boyfriend, openly cares about his life, not only maintains friendly relations with him, but also shows the apparent obsession with a former partner. The man slams the door with the words “here and go on dates with my ex”, and the answer is nothing, because it just looks at the page of the axe in Facebook.

Married to a beauty salon

The opposite sex always like well-groomed women. But most of the ladies somehow confuses grooming syndrome “the more treatment the better”. First, he tolerates her nail art, talking about a discount for a pedicure on Mondays, hair coloring and permanent makeup. But then he starts to get annoyed, not understanding why styling should be done in the Barber shop, and keep the conversation only about all sorts of Spa treatments. He has nothing against it, but goes to the woman who wears nail Polish so that he does not notice.

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