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Who threatens a migraine

Кому и почему грозит мигреньThe doctors outlined the possible causes of migraines and people who are at risk.

Migraine is not a disease, but to bring the maximum inconvenience it easily. Migraine is rather a temporary condition in which a person has a bad headache. Usually migraine pain is localized in some one part of the head, it can both increase and decrease independently, but most often the person with this headache need medication.

Often migraine attacks are characterized only pain, the person may start vomiting, the predecessor of which was long the feeling of nausea. By the way, the headache becomes more severe, if the room where the person is located, turn on the lights or any electronic gadget at maximum volume. Also, when a migraine, even an ordinary conversation between two people in the room can affect the level of pain, raising it.

Statistics show that migraine is a purely female problem. Men almost never call a headache a migraine, and probably because the head men are not sick as often as fair ladies. Doctors attribute this to the fact that the female half of society completely different hormones and, plus, physical characteristics, radically different from those possessed by men.

Migraine has its age limit, that is, with bouts of severe headache, the woman is likely to face if she is not less than 20 years and not more than 50. Hence it is clear that predisposed to migraines, women are likely to suffer at least 20-30 years.

Causes of migraine:

1. An improper diet. And here is the place to be and the diet, and diet, and the amount of liquid that uses a woman. Migraine does not accept hunger and if a woman sat on a diet hurting themselves in food, it is no wonder, if she starts to ache.

2. Depression. For the female half of society repressed mental wellbeing, as a tribute to nature. Women often fall into depression and the occasion can serve a little something. In this condition, frequent migraine attacks.

3. The lack of sleep. The pace of life sometimes does not give the little lady a break, they have to work from morning till night, and sleep and relaxation remains some 5 hours or less. Regular sleep disturbance and its deficiency can lead to migraines.

4. Hormonal failure. During menopause and menstruation women are often faced with a terrible pain in the head, which does not pass immediately after medication.

5. Frequent flights and business trips. For the female body, the plane ride lasting more than two hours is stressful. And, as we already know, stress can be a provoker of migraine.

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