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Where are kidney stones

Откуда берутся камни в почкахThe condition of your kidneys need to be interested in during the annual physical.

We move a little, drink enough, eat canned food and salt, hence the excess of salts in the body. So that the stones “grow” right in the kidneys due to high concentration in the urine of certain minerals.

From time to time we’re not aware of: while the “stone” lies motionless, urolithiasis may never come. But in the case of expulsion of the stone through the ureter occurs unbearable pain – renal colic. The duration of colic may vary from several hours to several days.

The pain subsides with the passage of the stone or change its position in the ureter.
However, do not have to know about the existence of kidney stones, waiting for the unbearable pain. The condition of your kidneys, you can ask during an annual check-up. The stones are seen on x-ray, and ultrasound.

If you care’or the health of the kidneys, it is important to daily drink enough pure water, move more, eat rationally, do not run the urogenital diseases. Late prevention? There is a conservative (drugs), operational and instrumental treatment of urolithiasis.

What method to prefer to decide only the doctor, evaluating the specific situation.

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