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WhatsApp has got new features

WhatsApp обзавелся новыми функциямиWhatsApp launched the feature to edit photos and videos in the app.

Users of WhatsApp messenger from Facebook can now take advantage of new features.

Now the developers have equipped the messenger editor photos and videos directly from the mobile app.

Such useful functions display the creative power of WhatsApp to a whole new level of quality. Now users will be able to edit your photos that were taken with the camera gadget. In the pictures you can draw, write texts in different styles, also can attach a range of emoticons and stickers.

Many immediately noted that now the messenger was to have part of the functionality inherent in Snapchat. The developers have allowed users of mobile apps to quickly switch from the main to the front camera and choose the image scale.

The experts noted that Facebook’s managers made the right decision, adding WhatsApp in functions of execution of various fragments to the photos, because in the modern world without this app does not have a right to exist.

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