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What to do before the feast, to the next morning to be cheerful

Что надо сделать перед застольем, чтобы наутро быть бодрымThanks to these techniques, a morning hangover does not threaten you.

Few people think ahead about the consequences that you can get the morning after hangover. Even the most sober people at least once in life gets real drunk and experiencing all the hardships of alcohol poisoning. There are people who are unusual to bring themselves to the hangover, but few of them, so information about how to cope with a hangover and how to avoid it in principle, will be useful to all.

Doctors insist that alcoholic beverages were used in a normalized number. Because excess alcohol often leads to serious health problems. If you know that you have all the chances to touch with alcohol in the coming evening, the experts suggest to use several effective methods that help to avoid hangover:

1. Eat something greasy. Just an hour before you go to an event where flow alcoholic cocktails, it is advisable to eat and the menu should consist of fatty foods. It can be: butter, milk, fried meat, a sandwich with red fish and so on. Fats will fill the stomach and alcohol will be more difficult to be absorbed into the blood, so you will not be intoxicated and you will have a hangover.

2. Advance a bit to drink. People versed in this matter, claim that a small number of high-quality brandy or vodka, taken an hour before drinking, can neutralize the negative impact of alcohol on the body. But this method is not suitable for everyone, which is why we need to be cautious, as there is a chance even more to get drunk, in consequence of which the hangover is inevitable.

3. To drink activated charcoal. This pharmaceutical preparation is a natural absorbent, which prevents poisoning from toxic substances contained in alcohol, and in other foods. Moreover, by using coal you can even get rid of the signs of alcohol poisoning because it removes from the body toxins. It turns out that a few tablets of charcoal before the party and the same number of them after ingestion of alcoholic beverages will allow you to minimize the level of harm of alcohol on your body how much you drank.

4. Time to leave the event. Know your limits and to drink only qualitative alcohol is the best way to be against the hangover.

5. Do not lower the degree. This method is known to all. As soon as the alcoholic drinks are mixed, toxicity can not be avoided, like a hangover. So drink low-alcohol drinks first, then stronger. Even better — drink one kind of alcohol.

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