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How to calculate your blood alcohol level

Как рассчитать свою норму алкоголяDoctors told how to calculate for yourself a dose of alcohol that will not cause a hangover.

There is a simple formula for calculating the safe dose of alcohol: 1.5 ml of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight. However, depending on the number of drinks it is different, and there’s no math to do will not work. For example, in 1 liter of beer with 5% contains 50 ml of pure alcohol, the same as 100 ml of vodka.

However, if hangover you managed to avoid, this does not mean that health was not harmed. The liver has a conditional toxicity threshold: for a person weighing 70 kg, he is about 90 g pure alcohol per day. The brain is even more sensitive: for the intoxication he need 19 g of alcohol.

As a result of prolonged alcohol abuse often develops psycho-organic syndrome which presents with dementia: decline in memory, and so on

Regularly consuming alcoholic beverages, we do not give the destroyed cells to regenerate, and the body begins pathological changes. Remember: to completely withdraw 170 g of the alcohol from the body, most healthy adults need at least 8 days.

When alcoholism starts?

When defining a rule, be guided by the clinical classification of alcoholism the number of alcohol consumed. Moderate alcohol consumption: not more than 100 g of vodka 1-4 times per month.

Systematic drunkenness: 200-400 grams of vodka 1-2 times a week.

Habitual drunkenness: 300-500 grams of vodka more than 2 times a week.

Instead of vodka if you drink beer, cider or wine, just compare the amount of pure alcohol in drinks. It is convenient to use the European system, hoping the alcohol in units (10ml of pure alcohol = 1 unit of alcohol):

Strength (%) x volume (ml) / 1000 = units of alcohol. If you have motivation to be treated for alcoholism, it is possible to treat anything, even a Blizzard, even though the lubrication head “green paint” or sprinkling “Holy water”, does not matter.

A grown man is ill with alcoholism, if you regularly consume more than 3 units of alcohol.

How to drink alcohol?

Of course, more useful do not drink alcohol at all, but if you are not ready to refuse from this bad habit – stick to the following rules:

Do not exceed the individual dose of alcohol. Do not mix drinks: a sure road to a severe hangover.

Do not drink alcohol carbonated beverages. Don’t smoke while drinking alcohol: it increases the intoxication and the intoxication of the organism. Drinking alcoholic drinks lemon: vitamin C speeds up the metabolism of alcohol.

What about the wine?

Red wine is a recognized antioxidant, and it really reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. However, it is not necessary to use it as a medicine: there are less radical ways, and the effectiveness of wine for prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis is not confirmed by serious scientific data. If you do not want to hurt the body, drink no more than 450 ml of wine in a week.

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