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What products lead to the formation of cellulite

Какие продукты ведут к образованию целлюлита To avoid “orange peel”, just enough to eliminate from the diet certain foods.

Cellulite suffering today almost 95% of women.

Get rid of him quite difficult. It can be seen not only on the body full of ladies, and the slender graceful girls. All its causes are not fully identified.

However, one of them is definitely improper diet and eating foods that triggers the development of cellulite.

Therefore, in order to stop or prevent the appearance of “orange peel” you need to know which products will form fat and cellulite. First of all, the foods that cause fluid retention, poor circulation, bad skin and lymph flow. Therefore, almost all of the diet exclude products, which we list below.

What foods form fat and cellulite

Sugar – a product that is now used everywhere. Often it is used together with fatty and high-calorie foods.

Eating sugar makes collagen fibers, blood vessels and arteries less elastic and in the end decreases blood circulation and is manifested cellulite.

Coffee is a drink which is loved by many. He iscolated from almost all anti-cellulite programs. However, in small doses, caffeine improves metabolism and blood circulation. Therefore, in the day allowed one Cup of unsweetened coffee.

Alcohol – many people like to relax by drinking champagne or sparkling wine. Immediately after the first drink, is to increase the amount of fat in the blood and slows circulation. In addition, alcohol prevents the stomach to absorb vitamin C, which breaks down fats. Because getting rid of cellulite at home if you are taking alcohol, is almost impossible.

Salt is a mineral that is part of a huge number of products. Why modern man gets it in twenty times more than you need. The body’s level of fluid regulate the two substances potassium and sodium. When the amount of sodium, higher than normal, starts a potassium deficiency and water retention. The result is edema, and cellulite develops. So you should try to reduce the consumption of salt to a limit, which is 200 milligrams per day.

Fats are part of many products. Many of them are helpful to man. However, the fats that have undergone heat treatment contribute to cellulite. Therefore, it is better not to use dishes cooked in deep fat: fried onions, French fries, chips, fish fries, doughnuts and so on.

Now you know which foods constitute a cellulite. To get rid of it by reducing their content in the diet and using anti-cellulite diet and anti cellulite products.

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