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What is the meaning of mono-diet and what they are

В чем смысл монодиет и какие они бываютAmong all the existing diets, the popularity is now gaining so-called mono-diet.

Use repetitive simple meals or mono-diet, is that you can eat, not limiting themselves in number – but only one product.

For 3, 5 or 7 days there is only one product, cooked with water, without the addition of milk, salt, sugar, and other seasonings. You can be sure that lots of you will not eat.

The first days it will be a monotonous tasteless porridge. But then your receptors will learn to discern more subtle, and varied tastes and smells previously unknown to you, and you will feel the beauty in the monotony and simplicity of the food, and the body will feel rested and rejuvenated.

If you decide to use a mono-diet in the cold season, it is good advice: before you cook the grits, fry it in a pan without oil for 1 minute. This will make the energy cereal. Of course, if the taste of rice or millet is unbearable to you, in porridge, you can add after cooking, a bit of honey or molasses. It will brighten the taste and provides all the necessary vitamins.

Rice diet

This diet is very useful in skin problems, liver and large intestine. It is not recommended if you have any kidney disease, disorders of the reproductive organs or you feel a lack of strength and energy.Buckwheat diet

A good diet to maintain kidney function in the winter. Not recommended for people with a disorder of bile, especially in the summer heat. Do not use this diet for longer than 5 days!

Vegetable diet

It is better to eat a varied diet, balanced and well cooked. In Tibetan and Chinese medicine and nutrition is not considered a good idea to only eat vegetables, more raw. Vegetarianism is too extreme for the human body living in Russia. Powered entirely by plant foods (except the people in charge of special spiritual practices) is not justified in the harsh conditions of our climate and suitable for hot climate.

You can sit on this diet from 3 to 5 days, but no more. All vegetables and fruits must undergo heat treatment, it can be boiled, fried, poached, steamed, baked vegetables and fruit, but not salads. In the case of drinking only raw vegetables and fruits, you will lose the necessary energy and very quickly get indigestion. As a result, you will feel a lack of vitality, feel tired and depressed.

About all the mono-diet, such as rice, buckwheat, millet diet, we can say that it is good to cleanse the body and fasting is much more useful

The best time for these diet – off-season, 18 days before the age of the earth – however, this does not mean that 72 days in a year you must sit on the porridge. This means that in these periods for 18 days, four times a year, you can with great effect to cleanse the body and refresh the perception of taste receptors on the diet of 3, 5 or 7 days.

During the diet drink hot boiled water to 2-3 litres a day. Do not sit on a mono diet, if you in General feel a lack of energy. Such diets are not recommended for older people. The best solution is to consult the Tibetan or Chinese physician before using these diets.

Rice soup Konji

Rice boiled in a large quantity of water within 2 to 8 hours. The longer you cook this soup, the more power it will have. Optionally, you can add a small amount of spices or herbs.

Not recommended to elderly people and with a total lack of energy.

Diet for health and normalization of body weight

You first need to know the cause of overweight.

There are two types of people:

a) Type with an excess of energy:

always hungry and requires a big portion of food;
has a red face, red dry and rough tongue, often with a yellow tinge , often feels hot or warm;
loves meat and alcohol.
This type is recommended:

fresh and sour fruits;
dairy products;
fresh vegetables in any quantity;
drink plenty of water, not soda, sour fruit teas, red teas, fruit drinks, red juice.
You should avoid:

greasy, nourishing soups;
sugar and sweets;
strong, sweet and light alcoholic beverages;
red fatty meats.

b) Type with lack of energy:

almost always feels tired, especially after sleeping;
often arrive in a bad mood, depressed, feels lonely;
often feel cold and feels cold in the extremities;
language wavy and uneven, with white bloom;
loves sweets very much.
This type is recommended:

boiled, poached, steamed, baked and dried fruits and vegetables;
boiled or stewed fish;
any grains, especially wheat. Be sure to fry the grits before cooking;
instead of sugar eat honey and molasses;
all dishes are abundantly seasoned spicy and pungent compounds (masalani) ;
hot boiled water, especially before eating, spicy and pungent infusions of herbs, roots, flowers and fruits.
You should avoid:

any fast food;
animal fats and fried foods;
fresh, regular heavy bread made from wheat flour:
sugar and sugar-containing products.
General guidelines those who wish to lose excess weight

1. Not fast (perhaps first you will see amazing results from fasting, but remember that “rollback” occurs anyway – again, you will gain weight). Such a strong stress for the body will not lead to anything good.

2. Eat regularly, at the same time and the body begins to work like clockwork.

3. Avoid eating after 20:00.

4. Eat slowly and in a pleasant atmosphere.

5. Eat home cooked meals or in places where they cook at home.

6. Cooked vegetables and grains you can eat at any time when you feel hungry.

7. Engage in yoga, qigong, taizi and other Wellness practices. Move, do not lead a sedentary жизни.опубликованоeconet.ru

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