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What is edema under the eyes

От чего появляются отеки под глазамиTOP 6 factors that cause swelling under the eyes

We all know that chronic lack of sleep causes under eye puffiness in the morning. But there are also other factors were reported beauticians from Spain.

Allergy. Swelling under the eyes can be a common symptom of seasonal allergies. Also often they are a consequence of the fact that we sleep on pillows that contain a large number of dust mites. This often causes allergic reactions and swelling.

Heating. If your favorite place in the house or Desk at the office located right next to a Central heating radiator, this can lead to additional dryness of the eyes and development of hypersensitivity. The heat dries the mucous membrane of the eyeball, causing the eyes to look irritated and swollen.

Monthly. You can blame the puffiness under the eyes PMS. The eye is able to retain water during the monthly cycle, which leads to bags under the eyes. Like bloating during menstruation, swelling of the eyes takes place a few days after menstruation.

Alcohol. Alcohol not just causes dehydration, it also helps to dry and swelling eyes. In addition, many people with alcohol lean and salty foods, causing longer water is retained in the eye area.

Hypothyroidism. Swelling of the eyes can be a side effect of hypothyroidism. If you suffer from this disorder, you can observe the accumulation of fat around the eyes, which appear unpleasant bags.

Crying. Not be open, if we say that crying leads to puffiness of the eyes. Tears are a product of the lacrimal glands in the eyes, and with intense weeping gland working too hard, which causes swelling of the surrounding tissues.

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