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What is dry eye syndrome and how it manifests itself

Что такое синдром сухого глаза и как он проявляетсяDoctors have identified possible causes and obvious symptoms of dry eye syndrome.

The very name of this syndrome suggests that the mucous membranes of the eyeball at some point cease to receive the necessary amount of tear fluid that acts as a lubricating means. This problem can be solved in just a few days, if immediately to be examined by an ophthalmologist, who will prescribe special drops for eyes and tell you what to do next.

Potential causes of dry eye syndrome:

1. Long stay of the person in front of a computer screen, smartphone, tablet. The radiation from the screens provokes the drying of the mucous membranes of the eyes, which lead to the diagnosis of dry eye syndrome.

2. Receiving vasoconstrictor medications to increase blood pressure in hypotension or treatment of runny nose and help nasal congestion. These medications prevent proper tear production, due to which it may be dry eye syndrome.

3. Stay in the room where the always-on heaters or air conditioners. The thing is that this technique does not moisturize the air and dries it, causing faster it evaporates and the tear fluid.

4. The fluid deficit in the body can also lead to dryness of the eyeball.

5. Poor environment is often the cause of dry eye syndrome. You can also mention age-related changes in the structure of the eye, one way or another can affect all processes, including hydration of the mucous membranes of the lacrimal fluid.

The signs of dry eye syndrome include:

– a person may seem to be in my eye the mote;

– in this condition the eyes can differ increased tearing, shifting on the unpleasant dryness;

– the inability to “focus”;

before the eyes of all the floats and the person begins to see badly near;

– when the wind or smoke from getting into the eyes of people feel not just discomfort, but pain and strong burning sensation, which persists for a long time.

often dry eye syndrome causes the development of infectious conjunctivitis;

– develops photophobia and person difficult is in the open countryside, where the sun or indoors with bright lighting.

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