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What flour is useful for baking

Какая мука полезна для выпечкиHow can I replace wheat flour.

Wheat flour is harmful to the cardiovascular and endocrine systems of the body, so it should be replaced by more useful varieties of flour.

These include:

– Buckwheat flour: lowers blood sugar by 20%, therefore, it is essential for people with diabetes. This effect is observed due to included buckwheat substance called chiroinositol. Bread made from buckwheat flour ensures a daily intake of potassium, zinc, manganese and magnesium.

– Corn flour: essential for those who suffer from celiac disease – it does not contain gluten, which causes the symptoms of the disease: bloating, diarrhea, pain etc. in addition, the composition of the corn flour is composed of two essential amino acids – lysine and tryptophan, which are indispensable for hematopoiesis and to develop a number of hormones.

– Rice flour: source of b vitamins and PP. So, even cakes from this flour can be useful.

– Amaranth flour: flour from seeds of amaranth is a champion of the content of squalene – powerful antioxidant that protects the body from developing cancerous tumors. It is a natural supplier of lysine in the cell – amino acids, which are needed to combat viral infections.

– Flax flour: it has seven times more potassium than in bananas, it is simply irreplaceable in the diet of people with cardiovascular diseases. It has a high nutritional value and can give you necessary proteins – their content reaches a linen flour 50%.

As in any other flour, flax has a small amount of fatty acids, however it is exceptionally beneficial plant omega-3 fats in a proper proportion with omega-6. In addition, it is a source of lignans – beneficial compounds that have anti-cancer properties.

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