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What are the benefits of a cold shower

В чем польза холодного душаCold showers are useful for all ages.

A cold shower is much healthier for the health and beauty of the skin than hot.

A few decades ago, a hot shower was a luxury that could afford only the very rich.Unfortunately, despite all the amenities, hot water is not as useful as cold. Low temperature positively affect the health and beauty of our body.

In this article we will tell you about the 11 most significant benefits of a cold shower.

1. Cold shower improves mood

A cold shower is a great remedy against stress, depression and other negative emotions.

This is due to the fact that the cold stimulates a surge of noradrenaline to the brain that is associated with a decrease in the concentration of substances which cause unpleasant change in mood.

2.Fills the body with energy

Start the day with a cold bath or shower. Cold modactiveuser the brain, helps to quickly Wake up and fills our body with energy.

When the body is cold, the nerve endings are stimulated by fine, normal heart rate, and breathing quickens.

3.Reduces inflammation

People with symptoms of inflammation usually feel much better if every day take a cold shower.Veins throughout the body begin to decline, toxins are eliminated from blood and tissues to reduce the swelling.

4. A cold shower strengthens the immune system

Cold water hardens the body and strengthens the immune system.

It also improves the transportation of nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the body.

5.Improves the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system consists of blood vessels, fights pathogenic bacteria and toxins from the body.

Lymph fluid contains white blood cells, which play an important role in fighting infections.

As during a cold shower the whole body “shrinks” the lymphatic fluid can easily circulate around it and have a positive impact on our health.

When the lymph cannot move freely through the body, it accumulates in the limbs, which leads to unpleasant symptoms that worsen our quality of life.

6.Improves quality of sleep

Although a hot shower awakens in us a sense of drowsiness, cold water allows you to achieve a deeper and more quality sleep.

This is due to the fact that it relaxes the body and improves its tone, allowing we to sleep better.

7.Moisturizes the skin and hair

As our skin and our hair is more like low temperature. While the hot water helps to open pores, cold closes them.

In addition, the cold water keeps the skin and hair moisturized, preventing dryness and the appearance of imperfections and reduce sebum production.

8.Speeds up recovery after physical activity.

Almost all athletes take a cold shower immediately after a workout to soothe sore muscles and speed up the healing process.

The cold will goddessthe as a natural lubricant and anti-inflammatory agent, which loosens the joints and reduces fatigue.

9.Removes toxins from the body

Cold water accelerates the removal of toxins from the circulatory system and skin pores.

10.Promotes weight loss

In the human body contains two types of fat: white and brown. White builds up due to excessive calorie intake and sedentary lifestyle.

Brown fat, also known as useful, warms the body and protects it from damage.

As cold water activates the beneficial effect of fat, regular cold showers can scoretotal weight.

11. A cold shower fights cellulite

Cold water plays an important role in getting rid of cellulite or “orange peel”. It activates blood circulation and removes toxins from the body, a layer of adipose tissue is reduced and the appearance of the skin improves.

Now that you know how cold that water is useful for your body, try to accustom ourselves to cold showers instead of hot.

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